Profile Container


Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a Site Defaults object.

Query parameters



Specifies if the Container is enabled or disabled.


Location Type values.

0 = SMBLocation,1 = CloudCache
vhdLocationsnullable array of string

Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.

ccdLocationsnullable array of string

Specifies the 'CCDLocations'.


Profile Disk Format values.

0 = VHD,1 = VHDX

Allocation Type values.

0 = Dynamic,1 = Full
defaultSizeinteger (int32)

Specifies the 'Default size'.

userInclusionListnullable array of object

Specifies the 'User Inclusion List'.

userExclusionListnullable array of object

Specifies the 'User Exclusion List'.


FSLogix Cloud Cache Settings


Specifies whether the 'Customize Profile Folders' is enabled or disabled.


Exclude Common Folders.

1 = Contacts,2 = Desktop,4 = Documents,8 = Links,16 = MusicPodcasts,32 = PicturesVideos,64 = FoldersLowIntegProcesses,128 = Downloads
folderInclusionListnullable array of string

Specifies the 'Folder Inclusion List'.

folderExclusionListnullable array of object

Specifies the 'Folder Exclusion List'.


FSLogix Profile Container Advanced Settings

const response = await fetch('/api/AVD/DefaultSettings/MultiSession/FSLogix/ProfileContainer', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
  "enabled": true,
  "locationType": [
    "0 = SMBLocation",
    "1 = CloudCache"
  "vhdLocations": [
  "ccdLocations": [
  "profileDiskFormat": [
    "0 = VHD",
    "1 = VHDX"
  "allocationType": [
    "0 = Dynamic",
    "1 = Full"
  "defaultSize": 1,
  "userInclusionList": [
      "account": "text",
      "type": [
        "1 = User",
        "2 = Group",
        "3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
        "4 = Computer"
      "sid": "text"
  "userExclusionList": [
      "account": "text",
      "type": [
        "1 = User",
        "2 = Group",
        "3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
        "4 = Computer"
      "sid": "text"
  "cloudCache": {
    "useMaxCacheSizeInMBs": true,
    "maxCacheSizeInMBs": 1,
    "useClearCacheOnLogoff": true,
    "clearCacheOnLogoff": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useHealthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": true,
    "healthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": 1,
    "useHealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": true,
    "healthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": 1,
    "useUnregisterTimeout": true,
    "unregisterTimeout": 1,
    "useClearCacheOnForcedUnregister": true,
    "clearCacheOnForcedUnregister": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
  "customizeProfileFolders": true,
  "excludeCommonFolders": [
    "1 = Contacts",
    "2 = Desktop",
    "4 = Documents",
    "8 = Links",
    "16 = MusicPodcasts",
    "32 = PicturesVideos",
    "64 = FoldersLowIntegProcesses",
    "128 = Downloads"
  "folderInclusionList": [
  "folderExclusionList": [
      "folder": "text",
      "excludeFolderCopy": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = CopyBase",
        "2 = CopyBack"
  "advancedSettings": {
    "useLockedRetryCount": true,
    "lockedRetryCount": 1,
    "useLockedRetryInterval": true,
    "lockedRetryInterval": 1,
    "useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": true,
    "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useAttachVHDSDDL": true,
    "attachVHDSDDL": "text",
    "useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": true,
    "diffDiskParentFolderPath": "text",
    "useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": true,
    "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useNoProfileContainingFolder": true,
    "noProfileContainingFolder": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useOutlookCachedMode": true,
    "outlookCachedMode": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "usePreventLoginWithFailure": true,
    "preventLoginWithFailure": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": true,
    "preventLoginWithTempProfile": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useReAttachRetryCount": true,
    "reAttachRetryCount": 1,
    "useReAttachIntervalSeconds": true,
    "reAttachIntervalSeconds": 1,
    "useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": true,
    "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useRoamSearch": true,
    "roamSearch": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = SingleUser",
      "2 = MultiUser"
    "useSIDDirNameMatch": true,
    "sidDirNameMatch": "text",
    "useSIDDirNamePattern": true,
    "sidDirNamePattern": "text",
    "useSIDDirSDDL": true,
    "sidDirSDDL": "text",
    "useVHDNameMatch": true,
    "vhdNameMatch": "text",
    "useVHDNamePattern": true,
    "vhdNamePattern": "text",
    "useVHDXSectorSize": true,
    "vhdxSectorSize": [
      "0 = SystemDefault",
      "512 = Size_512",
      "4096 = Size_4096"
    "useVolumeWaitTimeMS": true,
    "volumeWaitTimeMS": 1,
    "useIgnoreNonAVD": true,
    "ignoreNonAVD": [
      "0 = AnySession",
      "1 = AVDSessions"
    "useRedirectType": true,
    "redirectType": [
      "1 = Legacy",
      "2 = Advanced"
    "useKeepLocalDir": true,
    "keepLocalDir": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": true,
    "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useProfileDirSDDL": true,
    "profileDirSDDL": "text",
    "useProfileType": true,
    "profileType": [
      "0 = NormalProfile",
      "1 = OnlyRWProfile",
      "2 = OnlyROProfile",
      "3 = RWROProfile"
    "useSetTempToLocalPath": true,
    "setTempToLocalPath": [
      "0 = TakeNoAction",
      "1 = RedirectTempAndTmp",
      "2 = RedirectINetCache",
      "3 = RedirectTempTmpAndINetCache"
    "useCleanOutNotifications": true,
    "cleanOutNotifications": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useInstallAppxPackages": true,
    "installAppxPackages": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useRebootOnUserLogoff": true,
    "rebootOnUserLogoff": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useRoamIdentity": true,
    "roamIdentity": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"
    "useShutdownOnUserLogoff": true,
    "shutdownOnUserLogoff": [
      "0 = Disable",
      "1 = Enable"


Update the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a Site Defaults object.

Query parameters

FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).

profileContainerEnablednullable boolean

Specifies if the Profile Container is enabled or disabled..


Location Type values.

0 = SMBLocation,1 = CloudCache
vhdLocationsnullable array of string

Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.

ccdLocationsnullable array of string

Specifies the 'CDD Locations'.


Profile Disk Format values.

0 = VHD,1 = VHDX

Allocation Type values.

0 = Dynamic,1 = Full
defaultSizenullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Default size'.

customizeProfileFoldersnullable boolean

Enable or disable the 'Customize Profile Folders' option.


Exclude Common Folders.

1 = Contacts,2 = Desktop,4 = Documents,8 = Links,16 = MusicPodcasts,32 = PicturesVideos,64 = FoldersLowIntegProcesses,128 = Downloads
useLockedRetryCountnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.

lockedRetryCountnullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.

useLockedRetryIntervalnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.

lockedRetryIntervalnullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.

useAccessNetworkAsComputerObjectnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useAttachVHDSDDLnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.

attachVHDSDDLnullable string

Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.

useDiffDiskParentFolderPathnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.

diffDiskParentFolderPathnullable string

Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.

useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryNamenullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useNoProfileContainingFoldernullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useOutlookCachedModenullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
usePreventLoginWithFailurenullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
usePreventLoginWithTempProfilenullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useReAttachRetryCountnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.

reAttachRetryCountnullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.

useReAttachIntervalSecondsnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.

reAttachIntervalSecondsnullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.

useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoffnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useRoamSearchnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.


Roam search values.

0 = Disable,1 = SingleUser,2 = MultiUser
useSIDDirNameMatchnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirNameMatchnullable string

Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.

useSIDDirNamePatternnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirNamePatternnullable string

Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.

useSIDDirSDDLnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.

sidDirSDDLnullable string

Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.

useVHDNameMatchnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.

vhdNameMatchnullable string

Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.

useVHDNamePatternnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.

vhdNamePatternnullable string

Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.

useVHDXSectorSizenullable boolean

Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = SystemDefault,512 = Size_512,4096 = Size_4096
useVolumeWaitTimeMSnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.

volumeWaitTimeMSnullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.

useIgnoreNonAVDnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' option is enabled or disabled (Experimental).


Ignore non-AVD values.

0 = AnySession,1 = AVDSessions
useRedirectTypenullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Redirect type' option is enabled or disabled.


Redirect type values.

1 = Legacy,2 = Advanced
useKeepLocalDirnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Keep local profiles' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApplynullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Delete local profile when loading from VHD' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useProfileDirSDDLnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory' option is enabled or disabled.

profileDirSDDLnullable string

Specifies the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory'.

useProfileTypenullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Profile type' option is enabled or disabled.


Profile Type values.

0 = NormalProfile,1 = OnlyRWProfile,2 = OnlyROProfile,3 = RWROProfile
useSetTempToLocalPathnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Temporary folders redirection mode' option is enabled or disabled.


Temporary Folder Redirection Mode values.

0 = TakeNoAction,1 = RedirectTempAndTmp,2 = RedirectINetCache,3 = RedirectTempTmpAndINetCache
useCleanOutNotificationsnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Clean out notifications' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useInstallAppxPackagesnullable boolean

Specifies if the Install Appx packages' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useRebootOnUserLogoffnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Reboot computer when user logs off' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useRoamIdentitynullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Roam identity' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useShutdownOnUserLogoffnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Shutdown computer when user logs off' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useMaxCacheSizeInMBsnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Max cache size in MBs' option is enabled or disabled.

maxCacheSizeInMBsnullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Max cache size in MBs'.

useClearCacheOnLogoffnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Clear cache on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable
useHealthyProvidersRequiredForRegisternullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for register' option is enabled or disabled.

healthyProvidersRequiredForRegisternullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for register'.

useHealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregisternullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for unregister' option is enabled or disabled.

healthyProvidersRequiredForUnregisternullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for unregister'.

useUnregisterTimeoutnullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Unregister timeout' option is enabled or disabled.

unregisterTimeoutnullable integer (int32)

Specifies the 'Unregister timeout'.

useClearCacheOnForcedUnregisternullable boolean

Specifies if the 'Clear cache on forced unregister' option is enabled or disabled.


Enable State values.

0 = Disable,1 = Enable

No Content

const response = await fetch('/api/AVD/DefaultSettings/MultiSession/FSLogix/ProfileContainer', {
    method: 'PUT',
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json; api-version=1.0"
    body: JSON.stringify({
      "locationType": [
        "0 = SMBLocation",
        "1 = CloudCache"
      "vhdLocations": [
      "ccdLocations": [
      "profileDiskFormat": [
        "0 = VHD",
        "1 = VHDX"
      "allocationType": [
        "0 = Dynamic",
        "1 = Full"
      "excludeCommonFolders": [
        "1 = Contacts",
        "2 = Desktop",
        "4 = Documents",
        "8 = Links",
        "16 = MusicPodcasts",
        "32 = PicturesVideos",
        "64 = FoldersLowIntegProcesses",
        "128 = Downloads"
      "accessNetworkAsComputerObject": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "noProfileContainingFolder": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "outlookCachedMode": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "preventLoginWithFailure": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "preventLoginWithTempProfile": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "roamSearch": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = SingleUser",
        "2 = MultiUser"
      "vhdxSectorSize": [
        "0 = SystemDefault",
        "512 = Size_512",
        "4096 = Size_4096"
      "ignoreNonAVD": [
        "0 = AnySession",
        "1 = AVDSessions"
      "redirectType": [
        "1 = Legacy",
        "2 = Advanced"
      "keepLocalDir": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "profileType": [
        "0 = NormalProfile",
        "1 = OnlyRWProfile",
        "2 = OnlyROProfile",
        "3 = RWROProfile"
      "setTempToLocalPath": [
        "0 = TakeNoAction",
        "1 = RedirectTempAndTmp",
        "2 = RedirectINetCache",
        "3 = RedirectTempTmpAndINetCache"
      "cleanOutNotifications": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "installAppxPackages": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "rebootOnUserLogoff": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "roamIdentity": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "shutdownOnUserLogoff": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "clearCacheOnLogoff": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
      "clearCacheOnForcedUnregister": [
        "0 = Disable",
        "1 = Enable"
const data = await response.json();
  "type": "text",
  "title": "text",
  "status": 1,
  "detail": "text",
  "instance": "text",

Last updated

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