

Retrieve a list of Provider servers with status information.

Query parameters


idnullable string

ID of RAS Agent.

siteIdinteger (int32)

ID of Site.


Agent State

0 = OK,1 = EnumSessionsFailed,2 = RDSRoleDisabled,3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions,4 = RASScheduleInProgress,5 = ConnectionFailed,6 = InvalidCredentials,7 = NeedsSysprep,8 = SysPrepInProgress,9 = CloningFailed,10 = Synchronising,13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart,14 = LogonDrain,15 = LogonDisabled,16 = ForcedDisconnect,17 = CloningCanceled,18 = RASprepInProgress,20 = InstallingRDSRole,21 = RebootPending,22 = PortMismatch,23 = NeedsDowngrade,24 = NotApplied,25 = CloningInProgress,26 = MarkedForDeletion,27 = StandBy,28 = UnsupportedVDIType,29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported,30 = ManagedESXNotSupported,32 = InvalidHostVersion,33 = NotJoined,35 = LicenseExpired,36 = JoinBroken,37 = InUse,38 = NotInUse,39 = Unsupported,40 = NoAvailableGateways,41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized,42 = EnrollmentUnavailable,43 = InvalidCAConfig,44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials,45 = InvalidESSettings,46 = FSLogixNotAvail,47 = NoDevices,48 = NeedsAttention,49 = ImageOptimizationPending,50 = ImageOptimization,51 = Unavailable,52 = UnderConstruction,53 = Broken,54 = NonRAS,55 = Provisioning,56 = Invalid,57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate,58 = NoMembersAvailable,59 = MembersNeedUpdate,60 = FailedPerfCounters,61 = PendingRecreation,62 = RemovingMembers,63 = AddingMembers,64 = DeleteInProgress,66 = JoiningToHostPool,67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress,68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated,-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached,-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed,-6 = Unknown,-5 = NeedsUpdate,-4 = NotVerified,-3 = ServerDeleted,-2 = DisabledFromSettings,-1 = Disconnected

RAS Status Type

1 = RDSHost,2 = Provider,3 = Gateway,4 = Guest,7 = PA,9 = Site,16 = RDSGroup,25 = HALBDevice,45 = TenantBroker,46 = Enrollment,51 = HALB,64 = AVDWorkspace,65 = AVDHostPool,66 = AVDTemplate,67 = AVDHost,95 = VDITemplateVersion,96 = AVDTemplateVersion,97 = RDSTemplateVersion,107 = RDSTemplate,108 = VDITemplate,2013 = VDIHost,-1 = All
agentVernullable string

Agent Version.

servernullable string

Server name.

serverOSnullable string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTimenullable string

Service start time.

systemBootTimenullable string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptionsinteger (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineIdnullable string

Id of the machine


RAS Log Level

0 = Critical,1 = Error,2 = Warning,3 = Standard,4 = Extended,5 = Verbose,-1 = None
cpuLoadinteger (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoadinteger (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskReadinteger (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWriteinteger (int32)

Disk Write.


Whether the object is enabled or not.

preferredBrokernullable string

Specifies the preferred Connection Broker.


High Availability State

0 = Off,1 = On_Pref,2 = On_Auto
activeConnectionsinteger (int32)

Number of active connections.

vdiAgentnullable string

FQDN or IP address of the VDI Agent.

friendlyNamenullable string

The Provider Friendly Name.

const response = await fetch('/api/Provider/Status', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
    "id": "text",
    "siteId": 1,
    "agentState": [
      "0 = OK",
      "1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
      "2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
      "3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
      "4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
      "5 = ConnectionFailed",
      "6 = InvalidCredentials",
      "7 = NeedsSysprep",
      "8 = SysPrepInProgress",
      "9 = CloningFailed",
      "10 = Synchronising",
      "13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
      "14 = LogonDrain",
      "15 = LogonDisabled",
      "16 = ForcedDisconnect",
      "17 = CloningCanceled",
      "18 = RASprepInProgress",
      "20 = InstallingRDSRole",
      "21 = RebootPending",
      "22 = PortMismatch",
      "23 = NeedsDowngrade",
      "24 = NotApplied",
      "25 = CloningInProgress",
      "26 = MarkedForDeletion",
      "27 = StandBy",
      "28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
      "29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
      "30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
      "32 = InvalidHostVersion",
      "33 = NotJoined",
      "35 = LicenseExpired",
      "36 = JoinBroken",
      "37 = InUse",
      "38 = NotInUse",
      "39 = Unsupported",
      "40 = NoAvailableGateways",
      "41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
      "42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
      "43 = InvalidCAConfig",
      "44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
      "45 = InvalidESSettings",
      "46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
      "47 = NoDevices",
      "48 = NeedsAttention",
      "49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
      "50 = ImageOptimization",
      "51 = Unavailable",
      "52 = UnderConstruction",
      "53 = Broken",
      "54 = NonRAS",
      "55 = Provisioning",
      "56 = Invalid",
      "57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
      "58 = NoMembersAvailable",
      "59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
      "60 = FailedPerfCounters",
      "61 = PendingRecreation",
      "62 = RemovingMembers",
      "63 = AddingMembers",
      "64 = DeleteInProgress",
      "66 = JoiningToHostPool",
      "67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
      "68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
      "-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
      "-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
      "-6 = Unknown",
      "-5 = NeedsUpdate",
      "-4 = NotVerified",
      "-3 = ServerDeleted",
      "-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
      "-1 = Disconnected"
    "serverType": [
      "1 = RDSHost",
      "2 = Provider",
      "3 = Gateway",
      "4 = Guest",
      "7 = PA",
      "9 = Site",
      "16 = RDSGroup",
      "25 = HALBDevice",
      "45 = TenantBroker",
      "46 = Enrollment",
      "51 = HALB",
      "64 = AVDWorkspace",
      "65 = AVDHostPool",
      "66 = AVDTemplate",
      "67 = AVDHost",
      "95 = VDITemplateVersion",
      "96 = AVDTemplateVersion",
      "97 = RDSTemplateVersion",
      "107 = RDSTemplate",
      "108 = VDITemplate",
      "2013 = VDIHost",
      "-1 = All"
    "agentVer": "text",
    "server": "text",
    "serverOS": "text",
    "serviceStartTime": "text",
    "systemBootTime": "text",
    "unhandledExceptions": 1,
    "machineId": "text",
    "logLevel": [
      "0 = Critical",
      "1 = Error",
      "2 = Warning",
      "3 = Standard",
      "4 = Extended",
      "5 = Verbose",
      "-1 = None"
    "cpuLoad": 1,
    "memLoad": 1,
    "diskRead": 1,
    "diskWrite": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "preferredBroker": "text",
    "highAvailabilityState": [
      "0 = Off",
      "1 = On_Pref",
      "2 = On_Auto"
    "activeConnections": 1,
    "vdiAgent": "text",
    "friendlyName": "text"


Retrieve the Provider status information for the server.

Path parameters
id*integer (int32)

Provider ID



idnullable string

ID of RAS Agent.

siteIdinteger (int32)

ID of Site.


Agent State

0 = OK,1 = EnumSessionsFailed,2 = RDSRoleDisabled,3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions,4 = RASScheduleInProgress,5 = ConnectionFailed,6 = InvalidCredentials,7 = NeedsSysprep,8 = SysPrepInProgress,9 = CloningFailed,10 = Synchronising,13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart,14 = LogonDrain,15 = LogonDisabled,16 = ForcedDisconnect,17 = CloningCanceled,18 = RASprepInProgress,20 = InstallingRDSRole,21 = RebootPending,22 = PortMismatch,23 = NeedsDowngrade,24 = NotApplied,25 = CloningInProgress,26 = MarkedForDeletion,27 = StandBy,28 = UnsupportedVDIType,29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported,30 = ManagedESXNotSupported,32 = InvalidHostVersion,33 = NotJoined,35 = LicenseExpired,36 = JoinBroken,37 = InUse,38 = NotInUse,39 = Unsupported,40 = NoAvailableGateways,41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized,42 = EnrollmentUnavailable,43 = InvalidCAConfig,44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials,45 = InvalidESSettings,46 = FSLogixNotAvail,47 = NoDevices,48 = NeedsAttention,49 = ImageOptimizationPending,50 = ImageOptimization,51 = Unavailable,52 = UnderConstruction,53 = Broken,54 = NonRAS,55 = Provisioning,56 = Invalid,57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate,58 = NoMembersAvailable,59 = MembersNeedUpdate,60 = FailedPerfCounters,61 = PendingRecreation,62 = RemovingMembers,63 = AddingMembers,64 = DeleteInProgress,66 = JoiningToHostPool,67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress,68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated,-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached,-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed,-6 = Unknown,-5 = NeedsUpdate,-4 = NotVerified,-3 = ServerDeleted,-2 = DisabledFromSettings,-1 = Disconnected

RAS Status Type

1 = RDSHost,2 = Provider,3 = Gateway,4 = Guest,7 = PA,9 = Site,16 = RDSGroup,25 = HALBDevice,45 = TenantBroker,46 = Enrollment,51 = HALB,64 = AVDWorkspace,65 = AVDHostPool,66 = AVDTemplate,67 = AVDHost,95 = VDITemplateVersion,96 = AVDTemplateVersion,97 = RDSTemplateVersion,107 = RDSTemplate,108 = VDITemplate,2013 = VDIHost,-1 = All
agentVernullable string

Agent Version.

servernullable string

Server name.

serverOSnullable string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTimenullable string

Service start time.

systemBootTimenullable string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptionsinteger (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineIdnullable string

Id of the machine


RAS Log Level

0 = Critical,1 = Error,2 = Warning,3 = Standard,4 = Extended,5 = Verbose,-1 = None
cpuLoadinteger (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoadinteger (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskReadinteger (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWriteinteger (int32)

Disk Write.


Whether the object is enabled or not.

preferredBrokernullable string

Specifies the preferred Connection Broker.


High Availability State

0 = Off,1 = On_Pref,2 = On_Auto
activeConnectionsinteger (int32)

Number of active connections.

vdiAgentnullable string

FQDN or IP address of the VDI Agent.

friendlyNamenullable string

The Provider Friendly Name.

const response = await fetch('/api/Provider/{id}/Status', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
  "id": "text",
  "siteId": 1,
  "agentState": [
    "0 = OK",
    "1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
    "2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
    "3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
    "4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
    "5 = ConnectionFailed",
    "6 = InvalidCredentials",
    "7 = NeedsSysprep",
    "8 = SysPrepInProgress",
    "9 = CloningFailed",
    "10 = Synchronising",
    "13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
    "14 = LogonDrain",
    "15 = LogonDisabled",
    "16 = ForcedDisconnect",
    "17 = CloningCanceled",
    "18 = RASprepInProgress",
    "20 = InstallingRDSRole",
    "21 = RebootPending",
    "22 = PortMismatch",
    "23 = NeedsDowngrade",
    "24 = NotApplied",
    "25 = CloningInProgress",
    "26 = MarkedForDeletion",
    "27 = StandBy",
    "28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
    "29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
    "30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
    "32 = InvalidHostVersion",
    "33 = NotJoined",
    "35 = LicenseExpired",
    "36 = JoinBroken",
    "37 = InUse",
    "38 = NotInUse",
    "39 = Unsupported",
    "40 = NoAvailableGateways",
    "41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
    "42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
    "43 = InvalidCAConfig",
    "44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
    "45 = InvalidESSettings",
    "46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
    "47 = NoDevices",
    "48 = NeedsAttention",
    "49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
    "50 = ImageOptimization",
    "51 = Unavailable",
    "52 = UnderConstruction",
    "53 = Broken",
    "54 = NonRAS",
    "55 = Provisioning",
    "56 = Invalid",
    "57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
    "58 = NoMembersAvailable",
    "59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
    "60 = FailedPerfCounters",
    "61 = PendingRecreation",
    "62 = RemovingMembers",
    "63 = AddingMembers",
    "64 = DeleteInProgress",
    "66 = JoiningToHostPool",
    "67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
    "68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
    "-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
    "-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
    "-6 = Unknown",
    "-5 = NeedsUpdate",
    "-4 = NotVerified",
    "-3 = ServerDeleted",
    "-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
    "-1 = Disconnected"
  "serverType": [
    "1 = RDSHost",
    "2 = Provider",
    "3 = Gateway",
    "4 = Guest",
    "7 = PA",
    "9 = Site",
    "16 = RDSGroup",
    "25 = HALBDevice",
    "45 = TenantBroker",
    "46 = Enrollment",
    "51 = HALB",
    "64 = AVDWorkspace",
    "65 = AVDHostPool",
    "66 = AVDTemplate",
    "67 = AVDHost",
    "95 = VDITemplateVersion",
    "96 = AVDTemplateVersion",
    "97 = RDSTemplateVersion",
    "107 = RDSTemplate",
    "108 = VDITemplate",
    "2013 = VDIHost",
    "-1 = All"
  "agentVer": "text",
  "server": "text",
  "serverOS": "text",
  "serviceStartTime": "text",
  "systemBootTime": "text",
  "unhandledExceptions": 1,
  "machineId": "text",
  "logLevel": [
    "0 = Critical",
    "1 = Error",
    "2 = Warning",
    "3 = Standard",
    "4 = Extended",
    "5 = Verbose",
    "-1 = None"
  "cpuLoad": 1,
  "memLoad": 1,
  "diskRead": 1,
  "diskWrite": 1,
  "enabled": true,
  "preferredBroker": "text",
  "highAvailabilityState": [
    "0 = Off",
    "1 = On_Pref",
    "2 = On_Auto"
  "activeConnections": 1,
  "vdiAgent": "text",
  "friendlyName": "text"

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