Email OTP


Create a new Email OTP MFA.


MFA settings

name*nullable string

The name of the target Multi Factor Authentication. This must be the actual Multi Factor Authentication name used in the RAS farm.

siteIdinteger (int32)

Site ID in which to modify the specified Multi Factor Authentication. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

descriptionnullable string

A user-defined Multi Factor Authentication description.


Enable or disable the Multi Factor Authentication upon creation. If the parameter is omitted, the Multi Factor Authentication is initialised as Disabled.

displayName*nullable string

RADIUS type name.

userEnrollmentUserEnrollment (enum)

User Enrollment

0 = Allow,1 = AllowUntil,2 = DoNotAllow
showInformationForUnenrolledUsersShowInformationForUnenrolledUsers (enum)

Show information for unenrolled users

0 = Always,1 = IfEnrollmentIsAllowed,2 = Never
untilDateTimenullable string (date-time)

Allow User Enrollment until date/time

otpLifespanSecnullable integer (int32)

The lifespan of the OTP (seconds)

externalEmailStorageExternalEmailStorage (enum)

External email storage

0 = RASDatabase,1 = ADMail,2 = ADCustom
emailContentnullable string

The content of the email. Possible variables: %OTP%, %DURATION%

emailSubjectnullable string

The subject of the email. Possible variables: %OTP%

userMessagePromptnullable string

User message prompt

adCustomAttributenullable string

AD Custom Attribute

allowEnrollExternalEmailnullable boolean

Allow enrollment of external email

otpLengthnullable integer (int32)

The length of the OTP generated



idinteger (int32)

ID of the object.

adminCreatenullable string

User who created the object.

adminLastModnullable string

User who last modified the object.

timeCreatestring (date-time)

Time when the object was created.

timeLastModstring (date-time)

Time when the object was last modified.

namenullable string


siteIdinteger (int32)

Site ID

descriptionnullable string



Whether MFA provider is enabled or not.

typeMFAType (enum)

Provider Type

1 = Deepnet,2 = SafeNet,3 = Radius,4 = AzureRadius,5 = DuoRadius,6 = FortiRadius,7 = TekRadius,8 = GAuthTOTP,9 = TOTP,10 = MicrosoftTOTP,11 = EmailOTP

If true default criteria restriction settings will be inherited.

criteriaMFACriteria (object)

MFA Criteria

displayNamenullable string

Display name

userEnrollmentUserEnrollment (enum)

User Enrollment

0 = Allow,1 = AllowUntil,2 = DoNotAllow
showInformationForUnenrolledUsersShowInformationForUnenrolledUsers (enum)

Show information for unenrolled users

0 = Always,1 = IfEnrollmentIsAllowed,2 = Never
untilDateTimestring (date-time)

Allow User Enrollment until date/time

otpLifespanSecinteger (int32)

The lifespan of the OTP (seconds)

externalEmailStorageExternalEmailStorage (enum)

External email storage

0 = RASDatabase,1 = ADMail,2 = ADCustom
emailContentnullable string

The content of the email. Possible variables: %OTP%, %DURATION%

emailSubjectnullable string

The subject of the email. Possible variables: %OTP%

userMessagePromptnullable string

User message prompt

adCustomAttributenullable string

AD Custom Attribute


Allow enrollment of external email

otpLengthinteger (int32)

The length of the OTP generated

const response = await fetch('/api/MFA/EmailOTP', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json; api-version=1.0"
    body: JSON.stringify({
      "displayName": "text",
      "name": "text"
const data = await response.json();
  "id": 0,
  "adminCreate": "text",
  "adminLastMod": "text",
  "timeCreate": "2024-12-09T21:07:05.879Z",
  "timeLastMod": "2024-12-09T21:07:05.879Z",
  "name": "text",
  "siteId": 0,
  "description": "text",
  "enabled": false,
  "type": [
    "1 = Deepnet",
    "2 = SafeNet",
    "3 = Radius",
    "4 = AzureRadius",
    "5 = DuoRadius",
    "6 = FortiRadius",
    "7 = TekRadius",
    "8 = GAuthTOTP",
    "9 = TOTP",
    "10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
    "11 = EmailOTP"
  "inheritDefaultCriteriaSettings": false,
  "criteria": {
    "securityPrincipals": {
      "enabled": false,
      "matchingMode": [
        "0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
        "1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
      "members": [
          "account": "text",
          "type": [
            "1 = User",
            "2 = Group",
            "3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
            "4 = Computer"
          "sid": "text"
    "gateways": {
      "enabled": false,
      "matchingMode": [
        "0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
        "1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
      "members": [
          "gatewayIP": "text"
    "oSs": {
      "enabled": false,
      "matchingMode": [
        "0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
        "1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
      "allowedOSes": {
        "chrome": false,
        "android": false,
        "webClient": false,
        "iOS": false,
        "linux": false,
        "mac": false,
        "wyse": false,
        "windows": false
    "iPs": {
      "enabled": false,
      "matchingMode": [
        "0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
        "1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
      "allowedIPs": {
        "iPv4s": [
            "from": "text",
            "to": "text"
        "iPv6s": [
            "from": "text",
            "to": "text"
    "hardwareIDs": {
      "enabled": false,
      "matchingMode": [
        "0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
        "1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
      "members": [
          "hardwareID": "text"
    "access": [
      "0 = DenyCriteriaWhen",
      "1 = AllowCriteriaWhen"
    "devices": {
      "enabled": false,
      "matchingMode": [
        "0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
        "1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
      "members": [
          "client": "text"
  "displayName": "text",
  "userEnrollment": [
    "0 = Allow",
    "1 = AllowUntil",
    "2 = DoNotAllow"
  "showInformationForUnenrolledUsers": [
    "0 = Always",
    "1 = IfEnrollmentIsAllowed",
    "2 = Never"
  "untilDateTime": "2024-12-09T21:07:05.879Z",
  "otpLifespanSec": 0,
  "externalEmailStorage": [
    "0 = RASDatabase",
    "1 = ADMail",
    "2 = ADCustom"
  "emailContent": "text",
  "emailSubject": "text",
  "userMessagePrompt": "text",
  "adCustomAttribute": "text",
  "allowEnrollExternalEmail": false,
  "otpLength": 0


Update the Email OTP MFA Site Settings.

Path parameters
id*integer (int32)

The ID for which to modify the MFA settings.


MFA settings.

namenullable string

The new name of the target multi-factor authentication .

descriptionnullable string

A user-defined multi-factor authentication description.

enablednullable boolean

Enable or disable the specified multi-factor authentication in a site.

inheritDefaultCriteriaSettingsnullable boolean

If true default criteria settings will be inherited.


No Content

const response = await fetch('/api/MFA/EmailOTP/{id}', {
    method: 'PUT',
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json; api-version=1.0"
    body: JSON.stringify({}),
const data = await response.json();
  "type": "text",
  "title": "text",
  "status": 0,
  "detail": "text",
  "instance": "text"

Last updated

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