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Creates a new disable Schedule.
Repeat Type
0 = Never,1 = EveryDay,2 = EveryWeek,3 = Every2Weeks,4 = EveryMonth,5 = EveryYear,6 = SpecificDays
Repeat Specific Days
0 = Never,1 = Sunday,2 = Monday,4 = Tuesday,8 = Wednesday,16 = Thursday,32 = Friday,64 = Saturday
Schedule name.
Site ID from which to retrieve the schedule.
Whether to enable or disable the schedule.
Schedule description.
Schedule type
Start time. Default: Now.
Duration in seconds.
The duration of the scheduler task in minutes. Default: 15 minutes for disable task, 10 minutes for reboot task.
Whether to select the percentage or specific number of members to be started
Percentage of members to be started
Specific number of members to be started
Power On Assigned Pool Members
Whether to enable Drain Mode
Force server reboot after the specified time in seconds
Enforce schedule for currently inactive host