



Adds automation settings to Radius provider settings.


Add-RASMFARadiusAuto [-Id] <uint> -Command <string> -Title <string> [-ActionMessage <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-Image {Alert | Message | Email | Call | Chat | Flag}] [<CommonParameters>]

Add-RASMFARadiusAuto [-InputObject] <MFA> -Command <string> -Title <string> [-ActionMessage <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-Image {Alert | Message | Email | Call | Chat | Flag}] [<CommonParameters>]

Add-RASMFARadiusAuto [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -Command <string> -Title <string> [-ActionMessage <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-Image {Alert | Message | Email | Call | Chat | Flag}] [<CommonParameters>]


The cmdlet appends new attribute settings to existing ones. All parameters are mandatory.


-Command <string> RADIUS Automation command

        Required?                    true

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Enabled <bool> Whether the RADIUS Automation is enabled/disabled

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                True

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Image <ImageType> RADIUS Automation image

Possible values: Alert, Message, Email, Call, Chat, Flag

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                Alert

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Title <string> RADIUS Automation title

        Required?                    true

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-ActionMessage <string> RADIUS Automation action message

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Description <string> RADIUS Automation description

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Name <string> The name of the target multi-factor authentication .

This must be the actual multi-factor authentication name used in the RAS farm.

        Required?                    true

        Position?                    0

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-SiteId <uint> Site ID in which to modify the specified multi-factor authentication .

If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    1

        Default value                0

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Id <uint> The ID of the multi-factor authentication to modify. To obtain the ID, use the Get-RASMFA cmdlet.

        Required?                    true

        Position?                    0

        Default value                0

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-InputObject <MFA> The multi factor authentication to modify.

To obtain an object of type MFA, use the Get-RASMFA cmdlet.

        Required?                    true

        Position?                    0

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue)

        Accept wildcard characters?  false


        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 

        about_CommonParameters documentation. 






---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------

Add-RASMFARadiusAuto -SiteId 2 -Command Test -Title Test

Adds a new entry to the Radius automation list on Site 2. [Radius Setting]

Last updated

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