



RDS Host Pool






  • ISerializable

  • IComparable


Type | Name | Description

String | AdminCreate | Inherited from RASListObj

String | AdminLastMod | Inherited from RASListObj

Boolean | Autoscale | Whether the RD session hosts are based on a template or not.

String | Description | Description of the RDS Host Pool.

UInt32 | DrainRemainsBelowSec | Drain and unassign servers from host pool when workload remains below

the specified level for the specified time (in seconds). | Boolean | Enabled

Whether the RDS Host Pool is enabled or not. | UInt32 | Id

Boolean | InheritDefaultAgentSettings | If true, default agent settings will be inherited.

Boolean | InheritDefaultAppPackageSettings | If true, default app package settings will be inherited.

Boolean | InheritDefaultAutoUpgradeSettings | If true, default Auto-upgrade settings will be inherited.

Boolean | InheritDefaultDesktopAccessSettings | If true, default desktop access settings will be inherited.

Boolean | InheritDefaultPrinterSettings | If true, default printer settings will be inherited.

Boolean | InheritDefaultUserProfileSettings | If true, default User Profile settings will be inherited.

UInt32 | MaxServersFromTemplate | Max number of servers to be added to the host pool from the template.

UInt32 | MinServersFromTemplate | Min number of servers to be added to the host pool from the template.

String | Name | RDS Host Pool name.

HostPoolProviderSettings | ProviderSettings | Contains the Settings which relate to the Provider.

UInt32 | RASTemplateId | The RDSH RAS Template ID.

Nullable<UInt32> | RASTemplateVersionId | The RDSH RAS Template Version ID.

RDSDefaultSettings | RDSDefSettings | The RDS Settings.

List<UInt32> | RDSIds | The Ids of the RDS that form part of the host pool.

BaseProvisioningSettings | RDSProvisioningSettings | Specifies the 'Provisioning' object.

Boolean | RemoveServersAfterDrainAndPowerOff | Remove servers from host pool after drain and power off.

UInt32 | ServersToAddPerRequest | Number of servers to be added to the host pool per request.

UInt32 | SiteId | ID of the site.

DateTime | TimeCreate | Inherited from RASListObj

DateTime | TimeLastMod | Inherited from RASListObj

UInt32 | WorkLoadThreshold | Send a request to the template when the threshold is above the specified

value (%). | UInt32 | WorkLoadToDrain


Type | Name | Description

Int32 | CompareTo (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Boolean | Equals (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Int32 | GetHashCode () | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Type | GetType () | String

ToString () | ### References to Commands | | |

|------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | Get-RASRDSHostPool | | | Get-RASRDSHostPoolMember |

| Get-RASRDSHostPoolStatus | | | Invoke-RASRDSHostPoolCmd | | | Move-RASRDSHostPoolMember |

| New-RASPubRDSApp | | | New-RASPubRDSDesktop | | | New-RASRDSHostPool |

| Remove-RASRDSHostPool | | | Set-RASPubRDSApp | | | Set-RASPubRDSDesktop |

Last updated