



FSLogix Office Container Advanced Settings






  • ISerializable

  • IComparable


Type | Name | Description

EnableState | AccessNetworkAsComputerObject | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | String | AttachVHDSDDL

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | String

DiffDiskParentFolderPath | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

EnableState | FlipFlopProfileDirectoryName | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | IgnoreNonAVD | IgnoreNonAVD

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | EnableState

IncludeOfficeActivation | Specifies the 'Include Office Activation'. | EnableState

IncludeOneDrive | Specifies the 'Include OneDrive'. | EnableState

IncludeOneNote | Specifies the 'Include OneNote'. | EnableState

IncludeOneNoteUWP | Specifies the 'Include OneNote UWP'. | EnableState

IncludeOutlook | Specifies the 'Include Outlook'. | EnableState

IncludeOutlookPersonalization | Specifies the 'Include Outlook Personalization'. | EnableState

IncludeSharepoint | Specifies the 'Include Sharepoint'. | EnableState

IncludeSkype | Specifies the 'Include Skype'. | EnableState

IncludeTeams | Specifies the 'Include Teams'. | UInt32

LockedRetryCount | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

UInt32 | LockedRetryInterval | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | MirrorLocalOSTToVHD | MirrorLocalOSTToVHD

Specifies the 'Mirror Local OST-VHD'. | EnableState | NoProfileContainingFolder

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | UInt32

NumSessionVHDsToKeep | Specifies the 'Number of Session VHDs to Keep'. | EnableState

OutlookCachedMode | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

String | OutlookFolderPath | Specifies the 'Outlook Folder Path'.

EnableState | PreventLoginWithFailure | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | EnableState | PreventLoginWithTempProfile

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | UInt32

ReAttachIntervalSeconds | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

UInt32 | ReAttachRetryCount | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | RedirectType | RedirectType

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | EnableState

RefreshUserPolicy | Specifies the 'Refresh User Policy'. | EnableState

RemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

RoamSearch | RoamSearch | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | String | SIDDirNameMatch

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | String

SIDDirNamePattern | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

String | SIDDirSDDL | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean | UseAccessNetworkAsComputerObject

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean

UseAttachVHDSDDL | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

Boolean | UseDiffDiskParentFolderPath | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean | UseFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean

UseIgnoreNonAVD | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

Boolean | UseIncludeOfficeActivation | Specifies if the 'Include Office Activation' option is enabled or

disabled. | Boolean | UseIncludeOneDrive

Specifies if the 'Include OneDrive' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean | UseIncludeOneNote

Specifies if the 'Include OneNote' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean | UseIncludeOneNoteUWP

Specifies if the 'Include OneNote UWP' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean | UseIncludeOutlook

Specifies if the 'Include Outlook' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean | UseIncludeOutlookPersonalization

Specifies if the 'Include Outlook Personalization' option is enabled or | disabled. | Boolean

UseIncludeSharepoint | Specifies if the 'Include Sharepoint' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

UseIncludeSkype | Specifies if the 'Include Skype' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

UseIncludeTeams | Specifies if the 'Include Teams' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

UseLockedRetryCount | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

Boolean | UseLockedRetryInterval | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean | UseMirrorLocalOSTToVHD

Specifies if the 'Mirror Local OST-VHD' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean | UseNoProfileContainingFolder

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean

UseNumSessionVHDsToKeep | Specifies if the 'Number of Session VHDs to Keep' option is enabled or | disabled.

Boolean | UseOutlookCachedMode | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean | UseOutlookFolderPath

Specifies if the 'Outlook Folder Path' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean | UsePreventLoginWithFailure

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean

UsePreventLoginWithTempProfile | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

Boolean | UseReAttachIntervalSeconds | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean | UseReAttachRetryCount

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean

UseRedirectType | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

Boolean | UseRefreshUserPolicy | Specifies if the 'Refresh User Policy' option is enabled or disabled.

Boolean | UseRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean | UseRoamSearch

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean

UseSIDDirNameMatch | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

Boolean | UseSIDDirNamePattern | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean | UseSIDDirSDDL

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean

UseVHDAccessMode | Specifies if the 'VHD Access Mode' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

UseVHDNameMatch | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

Boolean | UseVHDNamePattern | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean | UseVHDXSectorSize

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Boolean

UseVolumeWaitTimeMS | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

VHDAccessMode | VHDAccessMode | Specifies the 'VHD Access Mode'.

String | VHDNameMatch | Inherited from

ContainerAdvancedSettings | String | VHDNamePattern

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | VHDXSectorSize

VHDXSectorSize | Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings

UInt32 | VolumeWaitTimeMS | Inherited from


Type | Name | Description

Int32 | CompareTo (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Void | CopyFrom (ContainerAdvancedSettings | other)

Inherited from | ContainerAdvancedSettings | Void

CopyFrom | (OfficeContainerAdvancedSettings | other)

Boolean | Equals (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Int32 | GetHashCode () | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Type | GetType () | String

ToString () | ### References to Types | | |

Last updated