



Session Policy





  • ISerializable

  • IComparable


Type | Name | Description

AdvancedSettings | AdvancedSettings | The Advanced Settings Policy

Audio | Audio | The Audio Policy

AVDMultimediaRedirection | AVDMultimediaRedirection | Settings about the 'Multimedia Redirection for AVD'

Browser | Browser | The Browser Policy

Clipboard | Clipboard | Settings about the Clipboard of the Local Devices

Compression | Compression | The Experience, Compression Policy

ComputerName | ComputerName | The Computer Name policy

ConnectionAdvancedSettings | ConnectionAdvancedSettings | The Advanced Settings policy

DesktopOptions | DesktopOptions | The Desktop-Options policy

Devices | Devices | Settings about the Devices of the Local Devices

DiskDrives | DiskDrives | Settings about the Disk Drives of the Local Devices

FileTransfer | FileTransfer | Settings about the File Transfer of the Local Devices

Keyboard | Keyboard | The Keyboard Policy

LocalProxyAddress | LocalProxyAddress | The Local Proxy Address policy

MultiFactorAuthentication | MultiFactorAuthentication | The Multi Factor Authentication policy

MultiMonitor | MultiMonitor | Multi-Monitor settings

Network | Network | The Network Policy

Performance | Performance | The Experience, Performance Policy

Ports | Ports | Settings about the Ports of the Local Devices

PrimaryConnection | PrimaryConnection | The Primary Connection policy

SessionsPrinting | Printing | The Printing Policy

PublishedApplications | PublishedApplications | The PublishedApplication policy

Reconnection | Reconnection | The Reconnection policy

Scanning | Scanning | The Scanning Policy

SecondaryConnections | SecondaryConnections | The Secondary Connection List

ServerAuthentication | ServerAuthentication | The Server Authentication Policy

SessionPrelaunch | SessionPreLaunch | The Session Pre Launch policy

Settings | Settings | Display Settings

SmartCards | SmartCards | Settings about the Smart Cards of the Local Devices

VideoCaptureDevices | VideoCaptureDevices | Settings about the Video Capture Devices of the Local Devices

WebAuthentication | WebAuthentication | The Web Authentication policy

WindowsTouchInput | WindowsTouchInput | Settings about the Windows Touch Input of the Local Devices


Type | Name | Description

Int32 | CompareTo (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Boolean | Equals (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Int32 | GetHashCode () | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Type | GetType () | String

ToString () | ### References to Types | | |

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