



RAS Secure Gateway






  • ISerializable

  • IComparable


Type | Name | Description

String | AdminCreate | Inherited from RASListObj

String | AdminLastMod | Inherited from RASListObj

Boolean | AllowAppsInNewTab | Allow users to start applications in a new browser tab.

Boolean | AllowClipboard | Whether the 'Allow Clipboard' option is enabled or disabled.

(deprecated) | Boolean | AllowCORS

Allow cross-origin resource sharing. | List<String> | AllowedDomainsForCORS

Allowed domains for cross-origin resource sharing. | Boolean | AllowEmbed

Allow embedding of Web Client into other web pages. | Boolean | AllowFileTransfer

Whether the 'Allow file transfer' option is enabled or disabled. | (deprecated) | Boolean

AllowLaunchMethod | Allow users to select a resource launch method. | String

AlternateNLBHost | Alternate NLB Host name. | UInt32

AlternateNLBPort | Alternate NLB Port number. | String

BindV4Addresses | IPv4 address to bind to. | String

BindV6Addresses | IPv6 address to bind to. | Boolean

Broadcast | Whether the 'Broadcast RAS Secure Gateway Address' option is enabled or | disabled.

UInt32 | BrowserCacheTimeInMonths | How long should the browser preserve the cache (in months).

UInt32 | CertificateId | The ID of the specific Certificate to be used.

String | Cipher | Cipher string.

Boolean | CipherPreference | Enable or disable Use ciphers according to server preference.

CipherStrength | CipherStrength | Cipher strength.

UInt32 | ClientDetectionTimeout | Client detection timeout in seconds.

String | ClientIPPDetectionServiceURL | Client IP detection service URL.

ClipboardDirections | ClipboardDirection | Clipboard direction.

String | Description | DetectClientMode

DetectClientMode | Detection mode. | Boolean

DisableWyseCertWarn | Whether warning if server certificate is not verified is enabled or | disabled.

Boolean | DOSPro | Whether the 'RDP DOS Attack Filter' option is enabled or disabled.

Boolean | EnableAlternateNLBHost | Whether alternate NLB Host is enabled or disabled.

Boolean | EnableAlternateNLBPort | Whether alternate NLB Port is enabled or disabled.

Boolean | Enabled | Boolean

EnableDeviceManagerPort | Whether the 'Device Manager Port' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

EnableGatewayPort | Whether a custom RAS Secure Gateway port is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

EnableHSTS | Whether HSTS is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

EnableRDP | Whether a custom RDP port is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

EnableRDPUDP | Whether the 'RDP UDP Data Tunneling' option is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

EnableSSL | Whether SSL is enabled or disabled. | Boolean

EnableUserPortal | Whether User Portal connectivity on the RAS Secure Gateway is enabled or | disabled.

Boolean | EnableWyseSupport | Whether support for Wyse Thin Client OS is enabled or disabled.

FileTransferControlMode | FileTransferMode | Specifies if File Transfer option is allowed and if yes, which

directions are allowed. | String | ForwardGatewayServers

One or multiple (separated by comma) RAS Forwarding Secure Gateway | Servers. | String

ForwardHttpServers | One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding HTTP Servers. | UInt32

GatewayPort | A custom RAS Secure Gateway port number. | Boolean

HSTSIncludeSubdomains | Whether HSTS to include subdomains option is enabled or disabled. | UInt32

HSTSMaxAge | Set Maximum Age of HSTS. | Boolean

HSTSPreload | Whether HSTS to preload option is enabled or disabled. | UInt32

Id | Boolean | InheritDefaultModeSettings

Whether default mode settings are enabled or disabled. | Boolean | InheritDefaultNetworkSettings

Whether default network settings are enabled or disabled. | Boolean | InheritDefaultSecuritySettings

Whether default security settings are enabled or disabled. | Boolean | InheritDefaultSslTlsSettings

Whether default SSL/TLS settings are enabled or disabled. | Boolean | InheritDefaultUserPortalSettings

Whether default User Portal settings are enabled or disabled. | Boolean | InheritDefaultWebSettings

Whether default web settings are enabled or disabled. | Boolean | InheritDefaultWyseSettings

Whether default wyse settings are enabled or disabled. | String | IPs

One or multiple (separated by comma) IP addresses. | IPVersion | IPVersion

The IP version for the RAS Secure Gateway to use. | LaunchMethod | LaunchMethod

Launch method. | List<String> | MACAllowExcept

Lists all the Security 'MAC Allow Except' MAC addresses. | List<String> | MACAllowOnly

Lists all the Security 'MAC Allow Only' MAC addresses. | AcceptedSSLVersion | MinSSLVersion

Minimum SSL version. | GatewayMode | Mode

RAS Secure Gateway mode: Normal or Forwarding. | Boolean | NormalModeForwarding

Whether forwarding requests to HTTP server are enabled or disabled. | Boolean | OnlyAllowAcmeHttp

Whether to ignore all incoming requests except for Acme ones received on | 'GatewayPort' | String

OptimizeConnectionIPv4 | Optimize connection for the list of IPv4 (comma separated values). | String

OptimizeConnectionIPv6 | Optimize connection for the list of IPv6 (comma separated values). | UInt32

PreferredBrokerId | ID of the Preferred Connection Broker. | String

PublicAddress | The Public Address of the RAS Secure Gateway. | UInt32

RDPPort | A custom RDP port number. | GatewaySecurityMode

SecurityMode | RAS Secure Gateway Security Mode. | String

Server | UInt32 | SiteId

UInt32 | SSLPort | SSL port number.

DateTime | TimeCreate | Inherited from RASListObj

DateTime | TimeLastMod | Inherited from RASListObj

Boolean | UseClientIPDetectionService | Use Client IP detection service.

Boolean | UsePreWin2000LoginFormat | Whether the 'Use Pre Windows 2000 Login Format' option is enabled or

disabled. | UInt32 | UserPortalPort

A custom User Portal port number. | Boolean | UseSecureWebCookie

Adds the secure attribute to the cookie to the Web Cookie. | String | WebCookie

The Web Cookie Name used by RAS. | String | WebRequestsURL


Type | Name | Description

Int32 | CompareTo (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Boolean | Equals (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Int32 | GetHashCode () | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Type | GetType () | String

ToString () | ### References to Commands | | |

|--------------------------------------------------------------| | | Get-RASGateway | | | Get-RASGatewayStatus |

| New-RASGateway | | | Remove-RASGateway | | | Set-RASGateway |

Last updated