



Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool






  • ISerializable

  • IComparable


Type | Name | Description

ActionSettings | Action | Action

String | AdminCreate | Inherited from RASListObj

String | AdminLastMod | Inherited from RASListObj

HostPoolAgentSettings | Agent | Specifies the 'Host Pool settings' object.

AppPackagesAssigned | AppPackagesAssigned | List Of Application Packages Assigned.

List<Assignment> | Assignments | The Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool Assignment Settings

AutoUpgradeSettings | AutoUpgrade | Specifies the 'Auto-upgrade' object.

String | AzureId | The Azure ID

Configuration | Configuration | The Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool Configuration Settings

String | Description | The Description of the Host Pool

Boolean | Enabled | Whether host pool is enabled or not.

String | FriendlyName | The Friendly Name of the Host Pool

UInt32 | Id | Nullable<Boolean>

InheritDefaultActionsSettings | If true, default Actions settings will be inherited. | Boolean

InheritDefaultAgentSettings | If true, default Agent settings will be inherited. | Boolean

InheritDefaultAppPackageSettings | If true, default app package settings will be inherited. | Boolean

InheritDefaultAutoUpgradeSettings | If true, default Auto-upgrade settings will be inherited. | Nullable<Boolean>

InheritDefaultOptimizationSettings | If true, default optimization settings will be inherited. | Boolean

InheritDefaultRDPPrinterSettings | If true, default Printing settings will be inherited. | Boolean

InheritDefaultUserProfileSettings | If true, default User Profile settings will be inherited. | String

LinkedDesktopApplicationGroup | The Linked Desktop Application Group. | String

LinkedRemoteApplicationGroup | The Linked Remote Application Group. | String

Location | The location of the Host Pool | String

Name | The Name of the Host Pool | ImageOptimization

Optimization | Specifies the 'Image Optimization' object. | AVDProvisioningSettings

ProvisioningSettings | The Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool Provisioning Settings | RDPPrinterSettings

RDPPrinter | Specifies the 'RDP Printer' object. | String

ResourceGroup | The Resource Group of the Host Pool | DateTime

TimeCreate | Inherited from RASListObj | DateTime

TimeLastMod | Inherited from RASListObj | UserProfileSettings

UserProfile | Specifies the 'User Profile' object. | UInt32


Type | Name | Description

Int32 | CompareTo (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Boolean | Equals (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Int32 | GetHashCode () | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Type | GetType () | String

ToString () | ### References to Commands | | |

|----| | | Add-RASAVDHostPoolAssignment | | | Get-RASAVDHostPool |

| Get-RASAVDHostPoolStatus | | | New-RASAVDHostPool | | | Remove-RASAVDHostPool |

Last updated