

VDI user session






  • ISerializable

  • IComparable


Type | Name | Description

UInt32 | AuthenticationDuration | Inherited from RDPSession

MainAuthenticationMode | AuthenticationType | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | BandwidthAvailability | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | BandwidthUsage | Inherited from RDPSession

String | ClientIPAddress | Inherited from RDPSession

String | ClientOS | Inherited from RDPSession

String | ClientOSVersion | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | ClientPolicyId | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | ClientPolicyVersion | Inherited from RDPSession

String | ClientVersion | Inherited from RDPSession

SessionColorDepth | ColourDepth | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | ConnectionDuration | Inherited from RDPSession

ConnMode | ConnectionMode | Inherited from RDPSession

QualityLevel | ConnectionQuality | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | DesktopLoadTime | Inherited from RDPSession

String | DeviceName | Inherited from RDPSession

String | DisconnectReason | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | GroupPolicyLoadTime | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | HorizontalResolution | Inherited from RDPSession

String | HostId | Host ID to which Remote Desktop Session is connected to.

UInt32 | HostPreparation | Inherited from RDPSession

Nullable<DateTime> | IdleStartTime | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | IdleTime | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | IncomingData | Inherited from RDPSession

String | IP | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | LastReconnects | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | Latency | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | LogonDuration | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | LogonOthersDuration | Inherited from RDPSession

DateTime | LogonTime | Inherited from RDPSession

ProviderType | MFAProvider | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | OutgoingData | Inherited from RDPSession

SessionProtocol | Protocol | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | RASPolicyLookup | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | Reconnects | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | RFICount | Inherited from RDPSession

List<RouteFlowInfoEntry> | RFIInfoList | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | ServerID | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | SessionID | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | SessionLength | Inherited from RDPSession

SessionState | State | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | ThemeID | Inherited from RDPSession

SessionPublishingType | Type | Inherited from RDPSession

String | User | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | UserProfileLoadTime | Inherited from RDPSession

UserProfileType | UserProfileType | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | UXEvaluator | Inherited from RDPSession

UInt32 | VerticalResolution | Inherited from RDPSession


Type | Name | Description

Int32 | CompareTo (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Boolean | Equals (Object obj) | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Int32 | GetHashCode () | Inherited from RASSerilazableObj

Type | GetType () | String

ToString () | ### References to Commands | | |

|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | | Invoke-RASVDISessionCmd | | ### References to Types

| | | |--------------------------------------------------| | | ProviderHost |

Last updated