General settings

The Theme settings described below apply to Parallels Client for all available platforms.


Select General in the left pane and specify the following Theme properties:

  • Enable Theme: Enable or disable the Theme (the default Theme cannot be disabled).

  • Name: Specify a Theme name.

  • Description: Specify an optional Theme description.

  • Path: Specifies a postfix for the Theme login page URL. This field is populated automatically with the Theme name when you save it, but you can specify a name of your choice. The complete URL of the Theme login page is comprised of "https://<host-name>/" followed by the name specified in this field. For the explanation of what the <host-name> should be, please see Web request load balancing.

    For example, if you name the Theme "Theme-S1", the complete URL is https://<host-name>/Theme-S1. When you save the Theme, the URL is displayed on the Themes tab in the RAS Console (the User Portal URL column).

    Please note that the URL described above is the short version, which is easier to remember and use. The full version is:


    Both the short and the long versions are equally valid.

Last updated

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