Viewing published resources

When you want to remove an RD Session Host or an RD Session Host group from a Site, you might want to see the list of published resources hosted by the host or host pool. This way you can see which resources will be affected. You can do so as follows:

  1. In the Parallels RAS Console, select Farm \ RD Session hosts.

  2. To see published resources for a specific RD Session Host, select the RD Session hosts tab. To see published resources for a group, select the Groups tab.

  3. Right-click a host or a host group and choose Show published resources (or click Tasks > Show published resources).

  4. The Published Resources window opens displaying the list of published resources for the selected host or host pool. Resource information includes:

    • Name. Resource name.

    • Status. Enabled or disabled.

    • Type. "Application" is used for published applications, URLs, network folders, etc. "Desktop" is used for published desktops.

    • Path. For published applications, specifies a path to the execute file, URL, or UNC path.

    • Parameters. Published application parameters (if any).

    • Published from. Site, host pool(s), or host(s).

  5. To refresh the list, press F5 or click the "recycle" icon (top-right).

  6. To filter the list, press Ctrl-F or click the magnifying glass icon and then specify the filter criteria for desired column(s).

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