Understanding session prelaunch

When a user opens a remote application or desktop, a session must first be launched. Launching a session can take time, which will result in the user waiting for the application to start. To improve user experience, a session can be launched ahead of time, before the user actually opens an application. When a session is prelaunched, it will all happen in the background, so the user will not see any windows or message boxes on the screen. When the user starts an application, it will open using the prelaunched session, so it will start very quickly.

For the information about how to configure session prelaunch, see Client policies.

When you configure session prelaunch, the following options are available:

  • Off. No session prelaunch is used.

  • Basic. A session is prelaunched as soon as the user gets the application listing. The assumption is, the user will open an application within the next few minutes. The session will stay active for 10 minutes. If the user doesn't open an application during that time, the client will disconnect from the session.

  • Machine Learning. When the application listing is acquired, a session is prelaunched based on user habits. With this option enabled, Parallels Client will record and analyze the user habits of launching applications on a given day of the week. A session is started a few minutes before the user usually opens an application.

You can configure rules when session prelaunch must not be used. The following options are available:

  • Specify dates on which the prelaunch must not be used.

  • Exclude a published resource from the session prelaunch decision making. If a resource is excluded from the analysis, it is never considered by Parallels Client when making a decision whether to prelaunch a session. For example, when you have a server on which you never want to prelaunch sessions, you can flag all published resources hosted by that server as to be excluded from session prelaunch. To exclude a published resource from session prelaunch, in the RAS Console, navigate to Published Resources, select a resource and then select the Exclude from session prelaunch option.

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