The Resources tab

The Resources tab in the Sessions category displays currently running published resources (apps and desktops).

Some of the notable columns in the list are:

  • ID: The published resource ID (as seen in the Publishing category).

  • Published name: Published resource name (as seen in the Publishing category).

  • User: Session owner.

  • Session ID: Session ID.

  • Session Host: Session host name.

  • Source: Session source (RDSH, VDI, RemotePC, AVD).

To perform a task on a resource, click the Tasks menu. Some of the tasks include:

  • Search: Allows you to filter the list using one or more columns (e.g. User, Session ID, Session Host, etc.).

  • Show user session view: Switches to the Users tab and applies a filter to display the session to which the selected resource belongs.

  • Go to published resource: Takes you to the Publishing category and displays the selected resource information.

  • Show information: Displays the resource summary info and the session information. The session information includes the same metrics as described in Session information.

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