Using scheduler (VDI)

The Scheduler tab allows you to create scheduler tasks that will be performed on individual hosts or host pools at a specified time.

Note: When the scheduled event is triggered, affected hosts are disabled in Parallels RAS and their status is displayed as "Disabled (scheduler)" or "Pending reboot (scheduler)". You can cancel these states by right-clicking a host on the Hosts tab and choosing Control > Cancel disabled state (scheduler) or Control > Cancel pending reboot (scheduler).

Disabling hosts and hosts in pools

To disable a host or a host in a pool:

  1. Click Tasks > Add > Disable host or Disable host pool.

  2. On the General tab, select the Enable Schedule option.

  3. Specify a name for this schedule and an optional description.

  4. Select a host or a pool in the Available list and click Add. The host or pool will appear in the Target list.

  5. Select the Trigger tab and specify start date and time, duration, and recurrence settings for this event. To make this a one-time event, select Never in the Recur drop-down list.

  6. Select the Options tab. It contains the following options:

    • Message list: Configure a message that will be sent to users before the host goes offline. Click Tasks > Add and specify the message title, body, and the time period when it should be sent.

    • On disable: Specify what should happen to current sessions when a scheduled task triggers. Select the desired option from the On disable drop-down list.

    • Enforce schedule for currently inactive hosts: This option is only enabled when you have an active message in the list. If the option is enabled, hosts that are currently offline are also monitored, and if such a server comes back online during the scheduled task execution, the task is applied to it too.

  7. Click OK to save the schedule.

Rebooting hosts and hosts in pools

To reboot a host or a host in a pool:

  1. Click Tasks > Add > Reboot host or Reboot host pool.

  2. On the General tab, select the Enable Schedule option.

  3. Specify a name for this schedule and an optional description.

  4. Select a host or a pool in the Available list and click Add. The host or pool will appear in the Target list.

  5. Select the Trigger tab and specify start date, time, and recurrence settings for this event. To make this a one-time event, select Never in the Recur drop-down list. In addition, specify the following options for the "Reboot host pool" task:

    • Complete in: Specify the time to complete the task.

  6. Select the Options tab. It contains the following options:

    • Message list: Configure a message that will be sent to users before the host is rebooted. Click Tasks > Add and specify the message title, body, and the time period when it should be sent.

    • Enable Drain Mode and Force server reboot after: The two options work together. If you select the Enable Drain Mode option, then when the task triggers, new connections to a host are refused but active connections will continue to run and can be reconnected. The server will be rebooted when all active users close their sessions or when Force server reboot after time is reached, whichever comes first. For active users not to lose their work, create a message that will advise them to save their work and log off.

    • Enforce schedule for currently inactive hosts: This option is only enabled when you have an active message in the list. If the option is enabled, hosts that are currently offline are also monitored, and if such a server comes back online during the scheduled task execution, the task is applied to it too.

  7. Click OK to save the schedule.

Starting up hosts and hosts in pools

Note: This task applies only to hosts and host pools based on a template.

To start up a host or a host in a pool:

  1. Click Tasks > Add > Startup host or Startup host pool.

  2. On the General tab, select the Enable Schedule option.

  3. Specify a name for this schedule and an optional description.

  4. Select a host or a pool in the Available list and click Add. The host or pool will appear in the Target list.

  5. Select the Trigger tab and specify start date, time, and recurrence settings for this event. To make this a one-time event, select Never in the Recur drop-down list.

  6. ("Startup host pool" task only) Select the Options tab. It contains the following options:

    • Power on all members: Select this option to start up all hosts assigned to specific users.

    • Percentage of members: Select this option to specify the percentage of hosts that must be started up in each pool.

    • Specific number of members to be started: Select this option to specify the number of hosts that must be started up in each pool.

  7. Click OK to save the schedule.

Shutting down hosts and hosts in pools

To shut down a host or a host in a pool:

  1. Click Tasks > Add > Shutdown host or Shutdown host pool.

  2. On the General tab, select the Enable Schedule option.

  3. Specify a name for this schedule and an optional description.

  4. Select a host or a pool in the Available list and click Add. The host or pool will appear in the Target list.

  5. Select the Trigger tab and specify start date, time, and recurrence settings for this event. To make this a one-time event, select Never in the Recur drop-down list.

  6. Select the Options tab. It contains the following options:

    • Message list: Configure a message that will be sent to users before the host is rebooted. Click Tasks > Add and specify the message title, body, and the time period when it should be sent.

    • Enable Drain Mode and Force server shutdown after: The two options work together. If you select the Enable Drain Mode option, then when the task triggers, new connections to a host are refused but active connections will continue to run. The server will be shut down when all active users close their sessions or when Force server reboot after time is reached, whichever comes first. For active users not to lose their work, create a message that will advise them to save their work and log off.

    • Enforce schedule for currently inactive hosts: This option is only enabled when you have an active message in the list. If the option is enabled, hosts that are currently offline are also monitored, and if such a server comes back online during the scheduled task execution, the task is applied to it too.

Recreating hosts and host pools

Note: This task applies only to hosts and host pools based on a template.

To recreate a specific host or all hosts in a host pool:

  1. Click Tasks > Add > Recreate host from template or Recreate host pool from template.

  2. On the General tab, select the Enable Schedule option.

  3. Specify a name for this schedule and an optional description.

  4. Select a host or a pool in the Available list and click Add. The host or pool will appear in the Target list.

  5. Select the Trigger tab and specify start date, time, and recurrence settings for this event. To make this a one-time event, select Never in the Recur drop-down list.

  6. Select the Options tab. It contains the following options:

    • Message list: Configure a message that will be sent to users before the host is rebooted. Click Tasks > Add and specify the message title, body, and the time period when it should be sent.

    • Enable Drain Mode, Force host recreation after, and Force host pool recreation after: The options work together. If you select the Enable Drain Mode option, then when the task triggers, new connections to a host are refused but active connections will continue to run. The server will be recreated when all active users close their sessions or when the time specified in Force host recreation after or Force host pool recreation after is reached, whichever comes first. For active users not to lose their work, create a message that will advise them to save their work and log off.

    • Enforce schedule for currently inactive hosts: This option is only enabled when you have an active message in the list. If the option is enabled, hosts that are currently offline are also monitored, and if such a server comes back online during the scheduled task execution, the task is applied to it too.

Sending multiple messages to users

For Disable Host and Disable Host Pool tasks, you can only send a message before the scheduled task is triggered. Hence, when creating a message, you can only select the "before" option when specifying when the message should be sent. You can create more than one message if needed and send them at different time intervals, so the users are notified more than once before the task executes.

For Reboot Host and Reboot Host pool tasks, you can send a message before or after the scheduled task is triggered. The "after" option is available for these tasks because you have the ability to enable the drain mode, which will keep the active sessions running for some time. During this time, you can send multiple messages to active users reminding them that they should finish their work and close their sessions. To use the "after" option, the Enable Drain Mode option must be selected. Please also note that the "after" time interval and the Force server reboot after setting should be coordinated. For example, if the force reboot occurs before the "after" time elapses, active users will not have a chance to see the message.

Last updated

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