Farm Example

Parallels RAS PowerShell - Farm Example

#Establish a connection with Parallels RAS (Replace Administrator with your RAS root account). New-RASSession Administrator

#Add a RAS Secure Gateway (replace '' with a valid FQDN, computer name, or IP address). New-RASGateway -Server ""

#Add the first RD Session Host server (replace with a valid FQDN, computer name, or IP address). #The $RDS1 variable receives an object of type RDS identifying the RD Session Host. $RDS1 = New-RASRDS -Server ""

#Update the description of RD Session Host specified by the $RDS1 variable. Set-RASRDS -InputObject $RDS1 -Description "Updating RDS Host 1"

#Add the second RD Session Host. $RDS2 = New-RASRDS -Server ""

#Get the list of RD Session Host servers. The $RDSList variable receives an array of objects of type RDS. $RDSList = Get-RASRDS

#Create an RD Session Host Group and add both RD Session Host objects to it. New-RASRDSGroup -Name "My RDS Group" -RDSObject $RDSList

#Add the third RD Session Host server. $RDS3 = New-RASRDS -Server ""

#Move RDS to RDS Group Member Move-RASRDSGroupMember -GroupName "My RDS Group" -RDSServer ""

#Update default settings used to configure RD Session Host agents. Set-RASRDSDefaultSettings -MaxSessions 100 -EnableAppMonitoring $true

#Add a published desktop. New-RASPubRDSDesktop -Name "PubDesktop_1"

#Activate Parallels RAS as a trial (you will have to provide a valid Parallels My Account email and password). Invoke-RASLicenseActivate

#Apply all settings. This cmdlet performs the same action as the Apply button in the RAS console. Invoke-RASApply

#End the current RAS session. Remove-RASSession

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