Modifies properties of a RAS Secure Gateway.
Set-RASGateway [-Id] <uint> [-AllowAppsInNewTab <bool>] [-AllowClipboard <bool>] [-AllowCORS <bool>] [-AllowedDomainsForCORS <List`1>] [-AllowEmbed <bool>] [-AllowFileTransfer <bool>] [-AllowLaunchMethod <bool>] [-AlternateNLBHost <string>] [-AlternateNLBPort <uint>] [-AutoCertificate <SwitchParameter>] [-AutoPreferredBroker <SwitchParameter>] [-BindV4Addresses <string>] [-BindV6Addresses <string>] [-Broadcast <bool>] [-BrowserCacheTimeInMonths <uint>] [-CertificateFile <string>] [-CertificateId <uint>] [-CertificateObj <Certificate>] [-Cipher <string>] [-CipherPreference <bool>] [-CipherStrength {Low | Medium | High | Custom}] [-ClientDetectionTimeout <uint>] [-ClientIPPDetectionServiceURL <string>] [-ClipboardDirection {None | ClientToServer | ServerToClient | Bidirectional}] [-Description <string>] [-DetectClientMode {Automatic | Manual}] [-DisableWyseCertWarn <bool>] [-DOSPro <bool>] [-EnableAlternateNLBHost <bool>] [-EnableAlternateNLBPort <bool>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-EnableDeviceManagerPort <bool>] [-EnableGatewayPort <bool>] [-EnableHSTS <bool>] [-EnableRDP <bool>] [-EnableRDPUDP <bool>] [-EnableSSL <bool>] [-EnableUserPortal <bool>] [-EnableWyseSupport <bool>] [-FileTransferMode {Disabled | ClientToServer | ServerToClient | Bidirectional}] [-ForwardGatewayServers <string>] [-ForwardHttpServers <string>] [-GatewayPort <uint>] [-HSTSIncludeSubdomains <bool>] [-HSTSMaxAge <uint>] [-HSTSPreload <bool>] [-InheritDefaultModeSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultNetworkSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultSecuritySettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultSslTlsSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultUserPortalSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultWebSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultWyseSettings <bool>] [-IPs <string>] [-IPVersion {Version4 | Version6 | BothVersions}] [-LaunchMethod {ParallelsClientAndWebClient | ParallelsClientAndHTML5 | ParallelsClient | WebClient | HTML5}] [-MACAllowExcept <string[]>] [-MACAllowOnly <string[]>] [-MinSSLVersion {TLSv1 | TLSv1_1 | TLSv1_2 | TLSv1_3}] [-Mode {Normal | Forwarding}] [-NewServer <string>] [-NormalModeForwarding <bool>] [-OnlyAllowAcmeHttp <bool>] [-OptimizeConnectionIPv4 <string>] [-OptimizeConnectionIPv6 <string>] [-PfxFile <string>] [-PfxPassword <SecureString>] [-PreferredBrokerId <uint>] [-PreferredBrokerObj <Broker>] [-PrivateKeyFile <string>] [-PublicAddress <string>] [-RDPPort <uint>] [-SecurityMode {AllowAllExcept | AllowOnly}] [-SSLPort <uint>] [-UseClientIPDetectionService <bool>] [-UsePreWin2000LoginFormat <bool>] [-UserPortalPort <uint>] [-UseSecureWebCookie <bool>] [-WebCookie <string>] [-WebRequestsURL <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-RASGateway [-InputObject] <Gateway> [-AllowAppsInNewTab <bool>] [-AllowClipboard <bool>] [-AllowCORS <bool>] [-AllowedDomainsForCORS <List`1>] [-AllowEmbed <bool>] [-AllowFileTransfer <bool>] [-AllowLaunchMethod <bool>] [-AlternateNLBHost <string>] [-AlternateNLBPort <uint>] [-AutoCertificate <SwitchParameter>] [-AutoPreferredBroker <SwitchParameter>] [-BindV4Addresses <string>] [-BindV6Addresses <string>] [-Broadcast <bool>] [-BrowserCacheTimeInMonths <uint>] [-CertificateFile <string>] [-CertificateId <uint>] [-CertificateObj <Certificate>] [-Cipher <string>] [-CipherPreference <bool>] [-CipherStrength {Low | Medium | High | Custom}] [-ClientDetectionTimeout <uint>] [-ClientIPPDetectionServiceURL <string>] [-ClipboardDirection {None | ClientToServer | ServerToClient | Bidirectional}] [-Description <string>] [-DetectClientMode {Automatic | Manual}] [-DisableWyseCertWarn <bool>] [-DOSPro <bool>] [-EnableAlternateNLBHost <bool>] [-EnableAlternateNLBPort <bool>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-EnableDeviceManagerPort <bool>] [-EnableGatewayPort <bool>] [-EnableHSTS <bool>] [-EnableRDP <bool>] [-EnableRDPUDP <bool>] [-EnableSSL <bool>] [-EnableUserPortal <bool>] [-EnableWyseSupport <bool>] [-FileTransferMode {Disabled | ClientToServer | ServerToClient | Bidirectional}] [-ForwardGatewayServers <string>] [-ForwardHttpServers <string>] [-GatewayPort <uint>] [-HSTSIncludeSubdomains <bool>] [-HSTSMaxAge <uint>] [-HSTSPreload <bool>] [-InheritDefaultModeSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultNetworkSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultSecuritySettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultSslTlsSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultUserPortalSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultWebSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultWyseSettings <bool>] [-IPs <string>] [-IPVersion {Version4 | Version6 | BothVersions}] [-LaunchMethod {ParallelsClientAndWebClient | ParallelsClientAndHTML5 | ParallelsClient | WebClient | HTML5}] [-MACAllowExcept <string[]>] [-MACAllowOnly <string[]>] [-MinSSLVersion {TLSv1 | TLSv1_1 | TLSv1_2 | TLSv1_3}] [-Mode {Normal | Forwarding}] [-NewServer <string>] [-NormalModeForwarding <bool>] [-OnlyAllowAcmeHttp <bool>] [-OptimizeConnectionIPv4 <string>] [-OptimizeConnectionIPv6 <string>] [-PfxFile <string>] [-PfxPassword <SecureString>] [-PreferredBrokerId <uint>] [-PreferredBrokerObj <Broker>] [-PrivateKeyFile <string>] [-PublicAddress <string>] [-RDPPort <uint>] [-SecurityMode {AllowAllExcept | AllowOnly}] [-SSLPort <uint>] [-UseClientIPDetectionService <bool>] [-UsePreWin2000LoginFormat <bool>] [-UserPortalPort <uint>] [-UseSecureWebCookie <bool>] [-WebCookie <string>] [-WebRequestsURL <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-RASGateway [-Server] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] [-AllowAppsInNewTab <bool>] [-AllowClipboard <bool>] [-AllowCORS <bool>] [-AllowedDomainsForCORS <List`1>] [-AllowEmbed <bool>] [-AllowFileTransfer <bool>] [-AllowLaunchMethod <bool>] [-AlternateNLBHost <string>] [-AlternateNLBPort <uint>] [-AutoCertificate <SwitchParameter>] [-AutoPreferredBroker <SwitchParameter>] [-BindV4Addresses <string>] [-BindV6Addresses <string>] [-Broadcast <bool>] [-BrowserCacheTimeInMonths <uint>] [-CertificateFile <string>] [-CertificateId <uint>] [-CertificateObj <Certificate>] [-Cipher <string>] [-CipherPreference <bool>] [-CipherStrength {Low | Medium | High | Custom}] [-ClientDetectionTimeout <uint>] [-ClientIPPDetectionServiceURL <string>] [-ClipboardDirection {None | ClientToServer | ServerToClient | Bidirectional}] [-Description <string>] [-DetectClientMode {Automatic | Manual}] [-DisableWyseCertWarn <bool>] [-DOSPro <bool>] [-EnableAlternateNLBHost <bool>] [-EnableAlternateNLBPort <bool>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-EnableDeviceManagerPort <bool>] [-EnableGatewayPort <bool>] [-EnableHSTS <bool>] [-EnableRDP <bool>] [-EnableRDPUDP <bool>] [-EnableSSL <bool>] [-EnableUserPortal <bool>] [-EnableWyseSupport <bool>] [-FileTransferMode {Disabled | ClientToServer | ServerToClient | Bidirectional}] [-ForwardGatewayServers <string>] [-ForwardHttpServers <string>] [-GatewayPort <uint>] [-HSTSIncludeSubdomains <bool>] [-HSTSMaxAge <uint>] [-HSTSPreload <bool>] [-InheritDefaultModeSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultNetworkSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultSecuritySettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultSslTlsSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultUserPortalSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultWebSettings <bool>] [-InheritDefaultWyseSettings <bool>] [-IPs <string>] [-IPVersion {Version4 | Version6 | BothVersions}] [-LaunchMethod {ParallelsClientAndWebClient | ParallelsClientAndHTML5 | ParallelsClient | WebClient | HTML5}] [-MACAllowExcept <string[]>] [-MACAllowOnly <string[]>] [-MinSSLVersion {TLSv1 | TLSv1_1 | TLSv1_2 | TLSv1_3}] [-Mode {Normal | Forwarding}] [-NewServer <string>] [-NormalModeForwarding <bool>] [-OnlyAllowAcmeHttp <bool>] [-OptimizeConnectionIPv4 <string>] [-OptimizeConnectionIPv6 <string>] [-PfxFile <string>] [-PfxPassword <SecureString>] [-PreferredBrokerId <uint>] [-PreferredBrokerObj <Broker>] [-PrivateKeyFile <string>] [-PublicAddress <string>] [-RDPPort <uint>] [-SecurityMode {AllowAllExcept | AllowOnly}] [-SSLPort <uint>] [-UseClientIPDetectionService <bool>] [-UsePreWin2000LoginFormat <bool>] [-UserPortalPort <uint>] [-UseSecureWebCookie <bool>] [-WebCookie <string>] [-WebRequestsURL <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Modifies properties of a RAS Secure Gateway.
When executing the cmdlet, you can include only the parameters that you want to modify.
-Server <string> The name of the RAS Secure Gateway to modify.
The name can be either FQDN or IP address, but you have to enter the actual name this server has in the RAS farm.
-SiteId <uint> The site ID to which the Secure Gateway belongs.
-Id <uint> The ID of the Secure Gateway to modify.
-InputObject <Gateway> The Secure Gateway object to be modified.
A Secure Gateway object representing a Secure Gateway is obtained using the Get-RASGateway cmdlet.
-Enabled <bool> Enable or disable the specified Secure Gateway.
-NewServer <string> The new Secure Gateway name. The name must be either a valid FQDN or a valid IP address.
-Description <string> A user-defined Secure Gateway description.
-PublicAddress <string> The Public Address of the Secure Gateway.
-IPVersion <IPVersion> The IP version for the Secure Gateway to use. Accepted values: Version4 (IPv4), Version6 (IPv6), BothVersions (both IPv4 and IPv6).
Possible values: Version4, Version6, BothVersions
-IPs <string> One or multiple (separated by comma) IP addresses.
-BindV4Addresses <string> IPv4 address to bind to.
If '' is passed, will bind to all available addresses.
When using a specific address, it has to be available in the IPv4 address list.
-OptimizeConnectionIPv4 <string> Optimize connection for the list of IPv4 (comma separated values).
-BindV6Addresses <string> IPv6 address to bind to.
If '::' is passed, will bind to all available addresses.
When using a specific address, it has to be available in the IPv6 address list.
-OptimizeConnectionIPv6 <string> Optimize connection for the list of IPv6 (comma separated values).
-InheritDefaultModeSettings <bool> Enable or disable default mode settings.
-InheritDefaultNetworkSettings <bool> Enable or disable default network settings.
-InheritDefaultSslTlsSettings <bool> Enable or disable default SSL/TLS setting.
-InheritDefaultUserPortalSettings <bool> Enable or disable default User Portal settings.
-InheritDefaultWyseSettings <bool> Enable or disable default wyse settings.
-InheritDefaultSecuritySettings <bool> Enable or disable default security settingsd.
-InheritDefaultWebSettings <bool> Enable or disable default web settings.
-Mode <Gateway> Gateway Mode. Accepted values: Normal, Forwarding.
Possible values: Normal, Forwarding
-NormalModeForwarding <bool> Forward requests to HTTP server.
-ForwardGatewayServers <string> One or multiple (separated by comma) Forwarding Gateway Servers.
E.g. localhost:80, web1
-AutoPreferredBroker <SwitchParameter> Set preferred Connection Broker Automatically.
-PreferredBrokerObj <Broker> The preferred Connection Broker.
To obtain an object of type Broker representing the Preferred Connection Broker, use the Get-RASBroker cmdlet.
-PreferredBrokerId <uint> The preferred Connection Broker ID.