Adds a published AVD desktop to a site.
New-RASPubAVDDesktop [-Name] <string> -AVDHostPoolID <uint> [-AllowMultiMonitor {Enabled | Disabled | UseClientSettings}] [-Description <string>] [-DesktopSize {UseAvailableArea | FullScreen | W640xH480 | W800xH600 | W854xH480 | W1024xH576 | W1024xH768 | W1152xH864 | W1280xH720 | W1280xH768 | W1280xH800 | W1280xH960 | W1280xH1024 | W1360xH768 | W1366xH768 | W1400xH1050 | W1440xH900 | W1600xH900 | W1600xH1024 | W1600xH1200 | W1680xH1050 | W1920xH1080 | W1920xH1200 | W1920xH1440 | W2048xH1152 | Custom}] [-Enabled <bool>] [-EnabledMode {Disabled | Enabled | Maintenance}] [-Height <uint>] [-Icon <string>] [-IconIndex <uint>] [-InheritMaintenance <bool>] [-MaintenanceMessage_de_DE <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_en_US <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_es_ES <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_fr_FR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_it_IT <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_ja_JP <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_ko_KR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_nl_NL <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_pt_BR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_zh_CN <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_zh_TW <string>] [-ParentFolder <PubFolder>] [-ParentId <uint>] [-PreviousId <uint>] [-PreviousItem <PubItem>] [-PublishToSite <Site[]>] [-PublishToSiteIds <uint[]>] [-ReplicateMaintenance <bool>] [-SiteId <uint>] [-StartOnLogon <SwitchParameter>] [-Width <uint>] [<CommonParameters>]
Adds a published AVD desktop to a site.
In case of connecting to Any Desktop, one must specify a AVD Pool Id or Object.
This is an Experimental feature which is subject to slight changes.
-Name <string> Published desktop name.
-AVDHostPoolID <uint> The AVD Host Pool ID.
-StartOnLogon <SwitchParameter> Enable or disable the 'Start automatically when user logs on' option.
-Width <uint> Specifies a custom desktop width.
-Height <uint> Specifies a custom desktop height.
-DesktopSize <DesktopSize> Desktop Size. Possible values are: 0 (Use available area), 1 (Full screen), Custom = 25.
Acceptable values: 640x480, 800x600, 854x480, 1024x576, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x720,
1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1366x768,
1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050,
1920x1440, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2048x1152
Possible values: UseAvailableArea, FullScreen, W640xH480, W800xH600, W854xH480, W1024xH576, W1024xH768, W1152xH864, W1280xH720, W1280xH768, W1280xH800, W1280xH960, W1280xH1024, W1360xH768, W1366xH768, W1400xH1050, W1440xH900, W1600xH900, W1600xH1024, W1600xH1200, W1680xH1050, W1920xH1080, W1920xH1200, W1920xH1440, W2048xH1152, Custom
-AllowMultiMonitor <AllowMultiMonitor> Specifies the "Multi-monitor" option.
Acceptable values: Enabled, Disabled, UseClientSettings.
Possible values: Enabled, Disabled, UseClientSettings
-ParentFolder <PubFolder> Parent publishing folder.
-ParentId <uint> Parent publishing folder ID.
-PreviousItem <PubItem> Previous published item.
-PreviousId <uint> Previous published ID.
-Icon <string> An icon to use for a publishing resource.
This can be an executable (.exe), a .dll or a .ico file.
-IconIndex <uint> Specifies the index of the icon that will be loaded from the binary specified in the Icon property.
-ReplicateMaintenance <bool> Whether the option 'Replicate Maintenance' is enabled or not.
-InheritMaintenance <bool> Whether to inherit default Maintenance settings.
-Enabled <bool> Enable or disable a published resource.
-EnabledMode <PubResourceEnabledMode> Changes the availability status of the published resource.
Possible values: Disabled, Enabled, Maintenance
-MaintenanceMessage_en_US <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in English.
-MaintenanceMessage_ja_JP <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.
-MaintenanceMessage_fr_FR <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in French.
-MaintenanceMessage_es_ES <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.
-MaintenanceMessage_it_IT <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.
-MaintenanceMessage_pt_BR <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.
-MaintenanceMessage_de_DE <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in German.
-MaintenanceMessage_nl_NL <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.
-MaintenanceMessage_zh_TW <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).
-MaintenanceMessage_zh_CN <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).
-MaintenanceMessage_ko_KR <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.
-Description <string> Published resource description.
-PublishToSite <Site[]> An array of sites to which to publish a resource.
-PublishToSiteIds <uint[]> An array of Sites IDs to which to publish a resource.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID in which to publish the specified Item.
If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
New-RASPubAVDDesktop "My AVD Desktop"
Adds a published desktop and gives it the specified name.
Last updated