Creates a new instance of the HALB Virtual server settings.
New-RASHALB [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] [[-LBGateways] <List`1>] [[-LBGatewayPort] <uint>] [[-EnableSSLPayload] <SwitchParameter>] [[-SSLMode] {SSLOffloading | SSLPassthrough}] [[-LBSSLGateways] <List`1>] [[-LBSSLGatewayPort] <uint>] [[-AcceptedSSLVersion] {TLSv1 | TLSv1_1 | TLSv1_2 | TLSv1_3}] [[-CipherStrength] {Low | Medium | High | Custom}] [[-SSLCustomCipher] <string>] [[-CertificateID] <uint>] [[-Description] <string>] [[-EnableDeviceManagement] <SwitchParameter>] [[-DeviceManagerGateways] <List`1>] [-IPVersion] {Version4 | Version6 | BothVersions} [[-VirtualIPv4] <string>] [[-SubnetMask] <string>] [[-VirtualIPv6] <string>] [[-PrefixIPV6] <uint>] [[-DeviceIPs] <List`1>] [[-EnableGatewayPayload] <SwitchParameter>] [-CipherPreference <bool>] [-ClientIdleTimeout <uint>] [-ClientQueueTimeout <uint>] [-EnableOSUpdates <bool>] [-EnableTunneling <bool>] [-GatewayConnectionTimeout <uint>] [-GatewayHealthCheckIntervals <uint>] [-GatewayIdleTimeout <uint>] [-KeepLBProxyConfig <bool>] [-KeepVRRPConfig <bool>] [-MaxTCPConnections <uint>] [-NoInstall <SwitchParameter>] [-PublicAddress <string>] [-SessionRate <uint>] [-VRRPAdvertisementInterval <uint>] [-VRRPAuthenticationPassword <SecureString>] [-VRRPBroadcastInterval <uint>] [-VRRPHealthScriptCheckInterval <uint>] [-VRRPHealthScriptCheckTimeout <uint>] [-VRRPVirtualRouterID <uint>] [<CommonParameters>]
Can also intialize the HALB Devices that were specified.
-Name <string> The HALB Virtual Server name.
-SiteId <uint> The site ID where the HALB settings will be created.
-IPVersion <IPVersion> The supported IP versions of the HALB Virtual Server.
Possible values: Version4, Version6, BothVersions
-DeviceIPs <List`1> The list of the HALB Device IPs.
-EnableGatewayPayload <SwitchParameter> Enable/Disable the Non-SSL Gateway configuration of the HALB Virtual Server .
-EnableSSLPayload <SwitchParameter> Enable/Disable the SSL Gateway configuration of the HALB Virtual Server.
-EnableDeviceManagement <SwitchParameter> Enable/Disable the Device Management configuration of the HALB Virtual Server.
-NoInstall <SwitchParameter> If the switch is set, HALB Devices will not be initialized.
-Description <string> The HALB Virtual Server description.
-PublicAddress <string> The HALB Virtual Server Public Address.
-VirtualIPv4 <string> The IPv4 of the HALB Virtual Server.
-SubnetMask <string> The Subnet Mask of the HALB Virtual Server.
-VirtualIPv6 <string> The IPv6 of the HALB Virtual Server.
-PrefixIPV6 <uint> The IPv6 Prefix of the HALB Virtual Server.
-EnableTunneling <bool> Enable/Disable the RDP/UDP of the HALB Virtual Server.
-MaxTCPConnections <uint> The Maximum allowed TCP Connections to the HALB Virtual Server.
-VRRPAuthenticationPassword <SecureString> The VRRP Authentication password.
-ClientIdleTimeout <uint> The client inactivity timeout.
-GatewayConnectionTimeout <uint> The Gateway connection timeout.
-ClientQueueTimeout <uint> The client queue timeout.
-GatewayIdleTimeout <uint> The Gateway inactivity timeout.
-SessionRate <uint> The amount of TCP connections per second.
-GatewayHealthCheckIntervals <uint> The Gateway Health check intervals in seconds.
-VRRPVirtualRouterID <uint> The Virtual Router ID of HALB Virtual Server (if not set, the router ID will be automatically computed).
-VRRPBroadcastInterval <uint> The VRRP broadcast interval in minutes.
-VRRPHealthScriptCheckInterval <uint> The VRRP health script check interval in seconds.
-VRRPHealthScriptCheckTimeout <uint> The VRRP health script check timeout in seconds.
-VRRPAdvertisementInterval <uint> The VRRP Advertisement interval in seconds.
-EnableOSUpdates <bool> Enable/Disable OS updates.
-KeepLBProxyConfig <bool> Enable/Disable keeping of existing loadbalancing settings.
-KeepVRRPConfig <bool> Enable/Disable keeping of existing VRRP/keepalive settings.
-LBGateways <List`1> The list of the Non-SSL Gateways for HALB Virtual Server.
-LBGatewayPort <uint> The Non-SSL Gateway port.
-SSLMode <LoadBalancingSSLMode> The SSL Mode to use for SSL Gateways.
Possible values: SSLOffloading, SSLPassthrough