Modifies default settings used to configure an RD Session Host server.
Set-RASRDSDefaultSettings [-AllowDragAndDrop <bool>] [-AllowFileTransfer <bool>] [-AllowRemoteExec <bool>] [-AllowURLAndMailRedirection {Disabled | Enabled | EnabledWithAppRegistration}] [-AutoPreferredBroker <SwitchParameter>] [-DisconnectActiveSessionAfter <uint>] [-DragAndDropMode {Disabled | ClientToServer | ServerToClient | Bidirectional}] [-EnableAppMonitoring <bool>] [-EnableDriveRedirectionCache <bool>] [-ExcludeFilePath <string[]>] [-ExcludeFolderPath <string[]>] [-FileTransferLocation <string>] [-FileTransferLockLocation <bool>] [-FileTransferMode {Disabled | ClientToServer | ServerToClient | Bidirectional}] [-IncludeFilePath <string[]>] [-IncludeFolderPath <string[]>] [-LogoffDisconnectedSessionAfter <uint>] [-ManageRDPTransportProtocol {Disabled | BothUDPTCP | OnlyTCP | EitherUDPTCP}] [-MaxSessions <uint>] [-MaxUserProfileDiskSizeGB <uint>] [-Port <uint>] [-PreferredBrokerId <uint>] [-PreferredBrokerObj <Broker>] [-PrinterNameFormat {PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES | PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN | PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES}] [-RemoveClientNameFromPrinterName <bool>] [-RemoveSessionNumberFromPrinterName <bool>] [-RestrictDesktopAccess <bool>] [-RestrictedUsers <string[]>] [-SiteId <uint>] [-SupportShellURLNamespaceObjects <bool>] [-Technology {DoNotManage | UPD | FSLogix | FSLogixProfileContainer}] [-UPDiskPath <string>] [-UPDMode {DoNotChange | Enabled | Disabled}] [-UPDRoamingMode {Exclude | Include}] [-UseRemoteApps <bool>] [<CommonParameters>]
Modifies default settings used to configure an RD Session Host server.
For each setting, the cmdlet has a corresponding input parameter. To modify a setting, specify a matching parameter and its value.
Default settings are defined on a site level and are applied to an RD Session Host server when it is initially added to the site.
To retrieve the current defaults settings, use the Get-RASRDSDefaultSettings cmdlet.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID for which to modify the default RD Session Host server settings.
-Port <uint> Specifies the RD Session Host agent port number.
-MaxSessions <uint> Specifies the 'Maximum Sessions' option.
-DisconnectActiveSessionAfter <uint> Disconnect active session after (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'.
-LogoffDisconnectedSessionAfter <uint> Logoff disconnected session after (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'; 1 for 'Immediate'.
-AllowURLAndMailRedirection <AllowURLAndMailRedirection> Specifies the 'Allow mail and URL redirection' option. Accepted values: Disabled, Enabled, EnabledWithAppRegistration (Enable with app registration).
Possible values: Disabled, Enabled, EnabledWithAppRegistration
-SupportShellURLNamespaceObjects <bool> Enable or disable the 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option.
-AutoPreferredBroker <SwitchParameter> Set the 'Preferred Connection Broker' option to 'Automatically".
-PreferredBrokerObj <Broker> The preferred Connection Broker.
To obtain an object of type Broker representing the preferred Connection Broker, use the Get-RASBroker cmdlet.
-PreferredBrokerId <uint> The preferred Connection Broker.
-EnableDriveRedirectionCache <bool> Enable or disable the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option.
-AllowRemoteExec <bool> Enable or disable the 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option.
-EnableAppMonitoring <bool> Enable or disable the 'Enable application monitoring' option.
-UseRemoteApps <bool> Enable or disable the 'Use RemoteApps if available' option.
-AllowFileTransfer <bool> Deprecated: use FileTransferMode instead.
Enable or disable the 'Allow file transfer' option.
-FileTransferMode <FileTransferControlMode> File Transfer option. Possible values are: 0 (Disabled), 1 (client to Server only), 2 {Server To Client only), 3 (Bidirectional).
Possible values: Disabled, ClientToServer, ServerToClient, Bidirectional
-FileTransferLocation <string> Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.
-FileTransferLockLocation <bool> Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.
-AllowDragAndDrop <bool> Enable or disable the 'Allow local to remote drag and drop' option. (deprecated)
-DragAndDropMode <DragAndDropModeValue> Specifies the mode the client server drag and drop feature will operate.
Possible values: Disabled, ClientToServer, ServerToClient, Bidirectional
-ManageRDPTransportProtocol <ManageRDPTransportProtocol> Manage RDP transport protocol.
Possible values: Disabled, BothUDPTCP, OnlyTCP, EitherUDPTCP
-PrinterNameFormat <PrnNameFormat> Specifies the 'Printer Name Format' option. Accepted values: PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES.
Possible values: PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES, PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN, PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES
-RemoveClientNameFromPrinterName <bool> Enable or disable the 'Remove client name from printer name' option.
-RemoveSessionNumberFromPrinterName <bool> Enable or disable the 'Remove session number from printer name' option.
-Technology <UserProfileTech> Specifies the 'User Profile Technology' value.
Possible values: DoNotManage, UPD, FSLogix, FSLogixProfileContainer
-UPDMode <UPDMode> Specifies the 'User Profile Disk Mode' option. Accepted values: DoNotChange, Enabled, Disabled.
Possible values: DoNotChange, Enabled, Disabled
-UPDRoamingMode <UPDRoamingMode> Specifies the 'UPD Roaming Mode' option. Accepted values: Exclude, Include.
Possible values: Exclude, Include
-UPDiskPath <string> Specifies the User Profile Disk path.
-MaxUserProfileDiskSizeGB <uint> Specifies the max user profile disk size (in GB).
-IncludeFolderPath <string[]> Specifies the UPD 'Include' folder paths.
-IncludeFilePath <string[]> Specifies the UPD 'Include' file paths.
-ExcludeFolderPath <string[]> Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' folder paths.
-ExcludeFilePath <string[]> Specifies the UPD 'Exclude' file paths.