



Updates the Reporting Settings.


Set-RASReportingSettings [-DeltaBandwidth <uint>] [-DeltaCpu <uint>] [-DeltaLatency <uint>] [-DeltaMemory <uint>] [-DeltaUXEvaluator <uint>] [-EnableCustomReports <bool>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-FolderName <string>] [-Password <SecureString>] [-Port <uint>] [-Server <string>] [-TrackLogonDetails <bool>] [-TrackLogonDetailsTime <uint>] [-TrackServers <bool>] [-TrackServerTime <uint>] [-TrackSessions <bool>] [-TrackSessionTime <uint>] [-TrackUserExperience <bool>] [-TrackUserExperienceTime <uint>] [-UseCredentials <bool>] [-Username <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


Updates the Reporting Settings.


-Enabled <bool> Enable or disable RAS Reporting functionality.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-DeltaCpu <uint> Minimum CPU change required to track the counter.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-DeltaMemory <uint> Minimum Memory change required to track the counter.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-EnableCustomReports <bool> Enable or disable custom report.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-FolderName <string> Custom report folder name.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Port <uint> Port used by the service which receives data from the RAS Connection Broker. The default port is 30008.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Server <string> The FQDN or IP address of the server where RAS Reporting is installed.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-UseCredentials <bool> Enable or disable Username/Password credentials to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Username <string> Username to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting (if UseCredentials is enabled).

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Password <SecureString> Password to connect to the Server hosting RAS Reporting (if UseCredentials is enabled).

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TrackServerTime <uint> How long the server counters information (such as CPU, Memory and number of sessions) is kept (in seconds).

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TrackServers <bool> Enable or disable Server counters information tracking.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TrackSessionTime <uint> How long information regarding the sessions opened is kept (in seconds).

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TrackSessions <bool> Enable or disable Sessions information tracking.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TrackLogonDetails <bool> Enable or disable Logon information tracking.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TrackLogonDetailsTime <uint> How long information regarding the logon is kept (in seconds).

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TrackUserExperience <bool> Enable or disable User experience tracking.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-TrackUserExperienceTime <uint> How long information regarding the user experience is kept (in seconds).

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-DeltaUXEvaluator <uint> Track UX Evaluator when change is more than user input.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-DeltaLatency <uint> Track Delta latency when change is more than user input.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-DeltaBandwidth <uint> Track Delta bandwidth when change is more than user input.

        Required?                    false

        Position?                    named

        Default value                

        Accept pipeline input?       false

        Accept wildcard characters?  false


        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,

        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,

        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 

        about_CommonParameters documentation. 






---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------

Set-RASReportingSettings -Server ""

Modifies the Server hosting RAS Reporting.

Last updated