Modifies a Template property.
Set-RASTemplate [-Id] <uint> -ObjType {RDSTemplate | VDITemplate | AVDTemplate} [-Address <string>] [-Administrator <string>] [-AdminPassword <SecureString>] [-ComputerName <string>] [-Description <string>] [-DeviceName <string>] [-Domain <string>] [-DomainOrgUnit <string>] [-DomainPassword <SecureString>] [-FolderId <string>] [-FolderName <string>] [-HWGPU <bool>] [-ImagePrepTool {SysPrep | RASPrep}] [-InheritDefaultOptimizationSettings <bool>] [-InstanceType <string>] [-MaximumIOPS <ulong>] [-NativePoolId <string>] [-NativePoolName <string>] [-NewName <string>] [-Organization <string>] [-OSDiskType {StandardHDD | StandardSSD | PremiumSSD}] [-OwnerName <string>] [-PhysicalHostId <string>] [-PhysicalHostName <string>] [-ResourceGroup <string>] [-Size <ulong>] [-SubFolderName <string>] [-SubnetID <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [-SubnetName <string>] [-Throughput <ulong>] [-UseSeperateNetworkInterface <bool>] [-VirtualNetworkID <string>] [-VirtualNetworkName <string>] [-VMSize <string>] [-VolumeType {gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2 | standard}] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-RASTemplate [-InputObject] <Template> -ObjType {RDSTemplate | VDITemplate | AVDTemplate} [-Address <string>] [-Administrator <string>] [-AdminPassword <SecureString>] [-ComputerName <string>] [-Description <string>] [-DeviceName <string>] [-Domain <string>] [-DomainOrgUnit <string>] [-DomainPassword <SecureString>] [-FolderId <string>] [-FolderName <string>] [-HWGPU <bool>] [-ImagePrepTool {SysPrep | RASPrep}] [-InheritDefaultOptimizationSettings <bool>] [-InstanceType <string>] [-MaximumIOPS <ulong>] [-NativePoolId <string>] [-NativePoolName <string>] [-NewName <string>] [-Organization <string>] [-OSDiskType {StandardHDD | StandardSSD | PremiumSSD}] [-OwnerName <string>] [-PhysicalHostId <string>] [-PhysicalHostName <string>] [-ResourceGroup <string>] [-Size <ulong>] [-SubFolderName <string>] [-SubnetID <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [-SubnetName <string>] [-Throughput <ulong>] [-UseSeperateNetworkInterface <bool>] [-VirtualNetworkID <string>] [-VirtualNetworkName <string>] [-VMSize <string>] [-VolumeType {gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2 | standard}] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-RASTemplate [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -ObjType {RDSTemplate | VDITemplate | AVDTemplate} [-Address <string>] [-Administrator <string>] [-AdminPassword <SecureString>] [-ComputerName <string>] [-Description <string>] [-DeviceName <string>] [-Domain <string>] [-DomainOrgUnit <string>] [-DomainPassword <SecureString>] [-FolderId <string>] [-FolderName <string>] [-HWGPU <bool>] [-ImagePrepTool {SysPrep | RASPrep}] [-InheritDefaultOptimizationSettings <bool>] [-InstanceType <string>] [-MaximumIOPS <ulong>] [-NativePoolId <string>] [-NativePoolName <string>] [-NewName <string>] [-Organization <string>] [-OSDiskType {StandardHDD | StandardSSD | PremiumSSD}] [-OwnerName <string>] [-PhysicalHostId <string>] [-PhysicalHostName <string>] [-ResourceGroup <string>] [-Size <ulong>] [-SubFolderName <string>] [-SubnetID <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [-SubnetName <string>] [-Throughput <ulong>] [-UseSeperateNetworkInterface <bool>] [-VirtualNetworkID <string>] [-VirtualNetworkName <string>] [-VMSize <string>] [-VolumeType {gp2 | gp3 | io1 | io2 | standard}] [<CommonParameters>]
The cmdlet modifies a Template property.
-Name <string> The name of the RAS Template to modify.
-SiteId <uint> The site ID to which the RAS Template belongs.
If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.
-Id <uint> The ID of a RAS Template to modify.
-InputObject <Template> An object of type Template representing the target RAS Template info.
To obtain the object, use the Get-RASTemplate command."
-ObjType <Template> Template object type.
Possible values: RDSTemplate, VDITemplate, AVDTemplate
-NewName <string> RAS Template Name.
-Description <string> RAS Template Description.
-FolderName <string> Folder name where desktop VMs will be created.
-FolderId <string> The ID of a folder where desktop VMs will be created.
-SubFolderName <string> Subfolder name where desktop VMs will be created.
-NativePoolId <string> The ID of the native pool where desktop VMs will be created.
-NativePoolName <string> The name of the native pool where desktop VMs will be created.
-HWGPU <bool> Enable hardware acceleration graphics licensing support.
-PhysicalHostId <string> The ID of a physical host where desktop VMs will be created.
-PhysicalHostName <string> The name of a physical host where desktop VMs will be created.
-UseSeperateNetworkInterface <bool> Use a separate network interface for LAN access.
-Address <string> The address of the network interface.
-SubnetMask <string> The subnet mask of the network interface.
-InstanceType <string> Instance type.
-DeviceName <string> Device name.
-VolumeType <VolumeType> Volume type.
Possible values: gp2, gp3, io1, io2, standard
-Size <ulong> Size (GiB).
-MaximumIOPS <ulong> Maximum IOPS.
-Throughput <ulong> Throughput (MB/s).
-ResourceGroup <string> Resource group.
-VMSize <string> VM size.
-OSDiskType <DiskType> OS disk type.
Possible values: StandardHDD, StandardSSD, PremiumSSD
-VirtualNetworkID <string> Virtual network ID.
-VirtualNetworkName <string> Virtual network name.
-SubnetID <string> Subnet ID.
-SubnetName <string> Subnet name.