List Virtual Machines

Syntax 1

prlctl list

Lists existing virtual machines. By default (when no parameters are included), only running VMs are displayed.

Optional parameters

-a, --all

Lists all existing virtual machines regardless of their state (running, stopped, suspended, etc.).

-f, --full

Shows the real IP address(es) for running virtual machines.

-o, --output field [, field...]

Displays only the specified field(s).

-s, --sort <field | -field>

Sorts by field (arguments are the same as those for -o). Add "-" (minus sign) before the field name to reverse the sort order.


Lists fields which can be used for both the output (-o, --output) and sort order (-s, --sort) options.

-t, --template

Include templates in the output.

-j, --json

Produces output in JSON format.

Syntax 2

list -i, --info

Displays the VM configuration information. By default, the information for all existing VMs is shown.

Optional parameters

-f, --full

Shows the real IP address(es) for running virtual machines.

-j, --json

Produces output in JSON format.

vm_id | vm_name

Returns the information about a VM specified by ID or name.

Last updated