Common Options

The options described here are common for all types of devices.

--device-connect <device_name>

Connects the specified device to a running virtual machine. The device can be of type fdd, cdrom, sound, or net. To obtain a device name, use the prlctl list -i command.

--device-disconnect <device_name>

Disconnects the specified device from a running virtual machine.

--device-set <device_name> <<--enable | --disable> | <--connect | --disconnect>>

Enables/disables or connects/disconnects the specified device to/from a virtual machine. Please note that the --device-set command is also used to modify a device configuration and has additional parameters, which are different for different types of devices. The parameters for each device type are described in subsequent sections of this guide.

--device-del <device_name> [--detach-only | --destroy-image | --destroy-image-force]

Removes the specified device from the virtual machine.

If --detach-only is specified and the device is a virtual hard disk drive, the disk image is preserved.

If --destroy-image is specified, the virtual HDD image is removed from the server.

If --destroy-image-force is specified, the virtual HDD image is removed from all snapshots and from the server.

The default action on deleting a virtual HDD is to detach the HDD image as if --detach-only was specified.

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