Power Operations

prlctl start <vm_id | vm_name>

Starts the specified virtual machine. The start command can be used to start a stopped virtual machine or to resume a paused virtual machine.

prlctl resume <vm_id | vm_name>

Resumes the specified virtual machine.

prlctl pause <vm_id | vm_name>

Pauses the specified virtual machine.

prlctl suspend <vm_id | vm_name>

Suspends the specified virtual machine.

prlctl restart <vm_id | vm_name>

Restarts the specified virtual machine. The restart command first gracefully shuts down a virtual machine and then starts it again.

prlctl reset <vm_id | vm_name>

Resets the specified virtual machine. The reset command first performs a 'hard' virtual machine shutdown and then starts it again.

prlctl reset-uptime <vm_id | vm_name>

Resets the specified virtual machine uptime counter (the counter start date/time will also will be reset with this action).

prlctl stop <vm_id | vm_name> [--kill] [--drop-state]

Stops the specified virtual machine. You can use the --kill option to forcibly stop the VM. The stop command can perform a 'hard' or a graceful virtual machine shutdown. If the --kill parameter is included, the 'hard' shutdown will be performed. If the parameter is omitted, the outcome of the graceful shutdown attempt will depend on the following:

- If the Parallels Tools package is installed in a virtual machine, the graceful shutdown will be performed using its facilities.

- If the Parallels Tools package is not installed, the command will try to perform a graceful shutdown using ACPI. Depending on the ACPI support availability in the guest operating system, this may work or not.

Use the --drop-state parameter to reset the specified VM from a suspended state to being completely shut down. Activating this option ensures that the specified VM starts afresh next time, completing the entire boot-up process.

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