Virtual Optical Drive

Adding an Optical Drive

Note: Adding virtual optical drives is not supported in macOS virtual machines.

--device-add cdrom [--image <name>] [--iface <ide | scsi | sata>] [--position <n>]

[--subtype <buslogic | lsi-spi | lsi-sas>]

Modifying an Optical Drive

--device-set <drive_name> [--image <name>] [--iface <ide | scsi | sata>]

[--position <n>] [--subtype <buslogic | lsi-spi | lsi-sas>]


drive_name: The name of the optical drive to modify (--device-set command only). To obtain the list of the available drives, use the prlctl list --info command.

--image: connect the specified image file to the virtual machine. The following image file formats are supported: iso, cue, ccd, dmg.

--iface: virtual optical interface type: ide, scsi, sata.

--position: the SCSI / IDE / SATA device identifier to be used for the optical drive. Allowed ranges:

  • 0-3 for IDE disk drives

  • 0-6 for SCSI disk drives

  • 0-5 for SATA disk drives

--subtype: virtual optical drive subtype: buslogic, lsi-spi, lsi-sas.

Last updated