Shared Folders

A shared folder is a host OS folder that can be accessed from a virtual machine.

--shf-host <on | off>

Enables or disables sharing the user-defined host OS folders with guest OS.

--shf-host-add <name> --path <path> [--mode <ro | rw>] [--shf-description <desc>]

[--enable | --disable]

Shares the host OS folder name with a virtual machine.

--shf-host-del <name>

Removes the specified folder from the list of shared folders.

--shf-host-set <name> --path <path> [--mode <ro | rw>] [--shf-description <desc>]

[--enable | --disable]

Modifies the settings of the host OS shared folder name.

--shf-host-defined <off | alldisks | home>

off: Disable sharing of folders defined by the host OS.

alldisks: Share all host OS disks with a virtual machine.

home: Share a host OS user's home directory with a virtual machine.

--shf-guest <on | off>

Enables or disables sharing of user-defined guest OS folders with the host OS.

--shf-guest-automount <on | off>

Enables or disables automatic mounting of shared guest OS folders on the desktop.

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